Amazon Updates App Icon After Negative Feedback from Users: A Closer Look at the Redesigned Logo


Amazon's infamous smiley face logo is one of the most recognizable in the world. However, the company recently made a change to its app icon design, which has sparked controversy and uproar from users. So, what happened?To begin with, the original Amazon app icon featured a blue shopping cart with the company's signature smiley face on top. Unfortunately, many users complained that the logo looked too much like Hitler's mustache, which did not go down well with the public.As a result, Amazon decided to redesign its app icon. The new logo features the iconic Amazon box with a strip of blue tape at the top with the company's signature smiley face. This change was aimed at eliminating any resemblance to Hitler's mustache.Why did Amazon take this step? It is all about branding. A company's brand is one of its most precious assets. After all, it is how consumers remember a company and differentiate it from its competitors. While Amazon's app icon wasn't necessarily a bad design, it wasn't meeting customer expectations either.The redesign of the app icon suggests a commitment to both listen to customers and adjust accordingly. With this change, Amazon has maintained its brand essence but also delivered a more attractive icon that better communicates its values and goals.One thing that stands out about Amazon's approach to the change is how swiftly it took action. True to its reputation as a company that prioritizes customer satisfaction, Amazon addressed the issue within days of receiving complaints. This shows how dedicated it is to delivering an excellent user experience to its customers.Certainly, Amazon's decision to change its app icon was a smart move. Research has shown that companies who respond quickly and positively to consumer feedback enjoy greater brand loyalty and higher customer retention rates.Ultimately, the Amazon app icon redesign serves as a reminder for businesses of all sizes about the importance of investing in their brand identity. A coherent, consistent, and appealing brand can make or break a company, and it is vital to keep it up to date and responsive to market changes.In conclusion, Amazon's swift response to unfavorable feedback regarding its app icon redesign showcases how important customer satisfaction is for the company. It is proof that listening to customers and addressing their concerns can lead to greater brand loyalty and retention. All businesses should take a cue from Amazon's example and commit to investing in their brand identity to stay ahead of the game.

Amazon Changed App Icon After Unfavorable Reception

The Amazon Shopping app is one of the most popular shopping apps available, with millions of users worldwide. However, the recent update to the app icon has caused a stir among its users. The new app icon was not well-received by many customers, with many considering it unattractive and confusing. This led to a lot of criticism, and Amazon has now changed the app icon.

Initial Design of the App Icon

The initial design of the app icon was a blue shopping cart with the Amazon arrow on top. The icon had been around for years, and it had become instantly recognizable to customers. So when Amazon decided to change the app icon, many users were caught off guard.

Unfavorable Reception of the New Design

The new design featured a brown cardboard box with the Amazon arrow on a blue piece of tape. The new design was supposed to represent the company's move towards more environmentally-friendly packaging. However, many users found this design unattractive and confusing. They didn't understand what the new design represented, and some even mistook the tape for a piece of bacon.

Reasons for the Change

Amazon's decision to change the app icon was not made lightly. According to reports, the company had conducted extensive research and testing before deciding on the new design. The company wanted an icon that would be instantly recognizable and easy to understand. Unfortunately, the new design did not meet these criteria.

Amazon's Response to the Criticism

Amazon quickly responded to the criticism from its users. In a statement, the company said that it values customer feedback and will always work to improve the customer experience. The company also promised to make changes to the app icon, and it did.

The New Design of the App Icon

The new design of the app icon is a combination of the old and new designs. The shopping cart is back, but it's now brown with a blue handle. The Amazon arrow is still there, but it now appears on a blue background that resembles a piece of tape. The new design is more attractive and easier to understand.


In conclusion, Amazon made a misstep with the initial design of the app icon. However, the company responded quickly and made changes that addressed the concerns of its users. The new design is a compromise between the old and new designs and is more visually appealing. Amazon's willingness to listen to customer feedback demonstrates the company's commitment to improving the customer experience.

Amazon Changed App Icon After Unfavorable


In today's digital world, the importance of visual branding is a crucial factor in the success of a company. A recognizable and memorable logo or icon can help customers identify a company's brand identity, and also aid in the company's marketing strategy. In February 2021, Amazon changed its app icon after receiving negative feedback from customers. This event highlights the power of visual branding and customer feedback in shaping a company's image.

What Happened

On January 27th, 2021, Amazon unveiled a new app icon for their Android and iOS platforms, redesigning the earlier version which featured a shopping cart with the Amazon logo. The new icon replaced the shopping cart with a blue strip at the top resembling a packaging tape, with the iconic curved smile from the Amazon logo peeping from beneath it. The change was supposed to give a fresh look to the app and signify the company's shift from just being an online shopping destination to becoming more of delivery-oriented. However, users were quick to notice the similarity between the new icon and another app icon, which many found problematic.

The Criticism

The resemblance that people pointed out was that with the iconic mustache of Adolf Hitler. Although it was not intentional and the blue tape was meant to represent the opening of the package, but when viewed in certain angles, the app icon looked significantly similar to Hitler's mustache from afar. Many customers took to social media to vent their concerns once the tech giant rolled out the updated icon. Twitter users began uploading side-by-side images of the new Amazon app icon alongside Hitler’s picture, comparing the infamous dictator's facial hair with the design of the blue tape plastered over the Amazon arrow. Social media was soon flooded with memes and posts poking fun at the design similar to that of Hitler's mustache, and the backlash forced Amazon to respond.

Amazon's Response

Amazon took note of the feedback and changed the design of the new app logo to a more simple approach with only a blue box with a white Amazon smile - somewhat mimicking the old version of the logo. After implementing the change, Amazon released a statement on Twitter that read, We designed the new icon to spark anticipation, excitement, and joy when customers start their shopping journey on their phone, and it wasn’t a Hitler mustache. With the new design rolled out, the company was quick to address the concerns raised by customers.

The Importance of Visual Branding

Visual branding is an essential element of creating a brand identity for any company. The visual elements help ensure the recognition of the company through the logo, colors, typography, and design of various marketing materials. Companies around the world spend a considerable amount of time, money, and effort on designing their logos or app icons. This investment is vital as it shows the audience what values the company embodies, what products they offer, and how they differ from other companies. A recognizable app icon is like a fingerprint for the audience to identify that particular app among other apps, which boosts the visibility of the app in the market.

The Effect of Negative Feedback

Amazon's decision to change the design of the app icon after receiving negative feedback highlights the impact of end-user feedback on a company's image. In the world of digital marketing, customer feedback plays a vital role in shaping the image of a company. As consumers are spoilt with multiple options across several categories, negative reviews from customer's on social media can lead to their loss of faith in the product or service. Negative feedback can be damaging to any company's reputation cost them dearly. Therefore, it is imperative to listen to customer feedback and have an open mind to their opinions when any campaign or marketing strategy is in progress.

Comparison Table

|Points of Comparison | Old Amazon App Icon | First Updated Amazon App Icon | Second-Update Amazon App Icon ||---------------------|:-------------------:|:------------------------------:|:--------------------------------:||Design |Shopping cart with blue band and an Amazon logo.| Blue strip resembling a packaging tape with Amazon's curve smile popping up beneath it | Simple blue box with white Amazon smile similar to the old logo ||Intention behind design | To represent online shopping | To signify delivery-oriented business | A modern design to excite online shoppers ||Relevance with other symbols | None | Similarity found with Adolf Hitler's mustache| Less human resemblance and similarly minimalist as the old logo |


The story of Amazon's app icon change proves the importance of user feedback and how social media platforms have empowered buyers to voice their opinion about the brand. Negative reviews can hurt the company's image, and digital firms need to be careful with their visual branding and invest considerable thought and time on it. Choosing a logo without considering all possible angles can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Designers must think with a broader perspective before creating any app icon or logo element. Overall, picking the right image is crucial for building a credible brand image in customer's minds.

Amazon Changed its App Icon after an Unfavorable One, Here's Why and What You Should Know


Amazon, one of the world's largest e-commerce companies, recently changed its app icon after it received negative feedback from customers. Since then, Amazon has introduced a new app icon that customers seem to find more appealing. In this article, we will discuss why Amazon changed its app icon, what the old app icon looked like, and how Amazon plans to move forward.

The Story Behind the Old App Icon

The old Amazon app icon featured a simple design that showed the iconic Amazon shopping cart with a piece of blue tape over it resembling a mustache. However, many users criticized this design as it seemed to resemble Adolf Hitler's mustache. Some Twitter users even compared the design to a toothbrush mustache, a type of mustache associated with past dictators.After complaints poured in from customers on social media, Amazon decided to change its app icon. The company listened to its customers and began working on a new design that would be less controversial and offensive.

The New App Icon Design

The new Amazon app icon features the same blue shopping cart with a single strip of blue tape above it. This time, however, the tape is designed to look like a folded top corner of a package, rather than a mustache. The new design is a subtle but effective change that makes the entire logo look more polished and professional.

Why Amazon Changed its App Icon

Amazon's decision to change its app icon demonstrates the importance of listening to customer feedback. Despite the old design being a minor feature, it still conveyed significant meaning and raised controversy. By ignoring customer feedback, Amazon risked damaging its brand reputation and losing customers to competitors. Therefore, the change in design was a necessary move to maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Tips on Designing App Icons

Designing an app icon is not an easy task. It is a challenging process that requires a lot of thought, creativity, and simplicity. Here are some tips for designing app icons:

Keep it Simple

A simple design can make a significant impact. The human brain responds to simplicity and can process images more easily. Avoid including too many design elements or text.

Be Unique

Your app icon should stand out from the competition, which means avoiding clichés and common design elements. Try to be original and creative with your design.

Appeal to Your Target Audience

Consider your target audience when designing your app icon. What appeals to one demographic may not necessarily appeal to another. Understand your customers' needs and preferences to create a design that resonates with them.

Use Appropriate Colors

Colors can evoke different emotions and convey different messages. Choose colors that match your app's branding and are appropriate for your audience.


Amazon's decision to change its app icon was a smart move that demonstrated the company's commitment to its customers. It shows that even minor details such as app icons can have a significant impact and influence customer opinions. As developers, it is essential to understand these nuances to create effective app designs that resonate with our audience. By using the tips we provided in this article, you'll be able to design app icons that capture your audience's attention, convey your brand message, and avoid scenarios like Amazon's.

Amazon Changed App Icon After Unfavorable Feedback: What Happened?

Amazon was facing criticism over the design of its new app icon, which some users claimed resembled the mustache of Adolf Hitler. The icon, which debuted in January, featured a blue adhesive strip with a folded corner that looked like a piece of tape on an open box. The company then changed its app icon, citing user feedback.

The new icon fills Amazon's cart logo with Amazon's signature blue color and a jagged folded top to represent the peeled back edge of packing tape, according to the company announcement.

We designed the new icon to evoke the smile that customers want, Amazon spokesperson Jennie Pasquarella wrote in an email to The Verge. Customers loved the bright colors and the fun aspect of the previous icon, so we kept those elements while bringing in a new design.

But why would Amazon make such a change? The previous design was widely criticized on social media, with some users claiming it looked like Hitler's mustache.

This is not the first time Amazon has had to change their brand image due to public backlash. Last year, the company changed the name of its grocery store chain, Whole Foods Market, to Whole Paycheck after years of high prices and poor quality goods were reported by customers.

So why does Amazon keep facing backlash for their branding choices? One possibility is that they are too focused on staying on-trend and changes their logo too often. Brands that update their logos frequently can confuse their customers, and it becomes difficult to establish brand recognition.

Another reason could be that Amazon's decision-making process is not as robust as it should be. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, is known for his disruptive approach to business and may not be as receptive to feedback as he should be.

Overall, it's important for companies to listen to customer feedback and make necessary changes. Amazon did just that, and while some users may miss the old icon, the new design offers a fresh take and avoids any potential controversies.

In conclusion, Amazon's decision to change their app icon after unfavorable feedback is a testament to the importance of listening to customers and making changes when necessary. It's also a reminder that branding and logo design should be carefully considered and updated only when necessary to avoid confusion and establish brand recognition.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it informative and insightful. If you have any feedback or comments, please feel free to share them below.

People Also Ask About Amazon Changed App Icon After Unfavorable

What happened to Amazon's app icon?

Amazon recently updated their app icon on iOS devices, but users found it to be quite similar to the iconic mustache of Adolf Hitler. This unexpected similarity caused outrage among users, and Amazon had to change the app icon once again.

How did users react to the app icon?

  • Many users found the app icon to be humorous and pointed out the resemblance to the Hitler mustache.
  • Some users were offended by the similarity and called for Amazon to change the app icon immediately.
  • Others felt that the outrage over the app icon was an overreaction and that people were looking for reasons to be offended.

Why did Amazon decide to change the app icon again?

After receiving backlash from users, Amazon quickly decided to change the app icon once again. The new design features a brown Amazon box with a strip of blue tape at the top. This new design is more generic and less likely to be associated with any controversial figures or ideas.

Will the Amazon app icon continue to change in the future?

It's unlikely that Amazon will change their app icon again anytime soon, as the company has already invested time and resources into creating a new design. However, if there are any further issues or controversies surrounding the app icon, Amazon may consider making changes in the future.