Amazon's Silent Update: App Unfavorables Altered Without Notice


Amazon has been one of the biggest companies that revolutionized the way we shop online. With its online platform, customers can easily scroll through different products and buy what they need with just a few clicks. However, it's not all rainbows and unicorns for Amazon recently. The giant retailer made a big move by quietly changing some unfavorable apps.

So, what exactly happened? Have you ever wondered why some products on Amazon are more expensive than others? You might think it's just the quality of the product, but what if I tell you that some sellers used to exploit Amazon's referral fees? Amazon has its referral fee structure based on the categories of products sold. Sellers were taking advantage by offering products that had a lower referral fee cost while charging high prices, which resulted in a fair amount of profit for those sellers.

Things have changed now. Amazon quietly made changes to its app, resulting in significant unintended consequences for those price exploiting sellers. Amazon updated its referral fee structures for some categories to minimize incidents of fraud. These changes are a massive win for customers since it helps them purchase items at a more affordable price.

The change was beneficial for all buyers because Amazon tackles unfair pricing. With this, the retail giant has removed these unfair practices, and transparency is now offered in prices. They are ensuring that everyone gets the best and fair deal with each purchase.

But what exactly does Amazon's quiet move mean for its competitors? It shows that Amazon has once again raised the bar for e-commerce. By cracking down on dishonest sellers, Amazon is emphasizing that they're committed to providing their customers with an honest shopping experience. This also suggests that Amazon's domination in e-commerce continues to grow stronger.

The question that arises now: What motivated Amazon to make such changes, and why did they do it quietly? The answer is quite simple: Amazon is well aware that its success relies primarily on customer satisfaction. By keeping things under the radar, they also avoid drawing attention from competitors and chatter about these changes.

As we've established, Amazon remains committed to reducing scams and fraud on its platform- which means it's now better than ever to shop with confidence on its site. One thing is for sure; these changes aren't going unnoticed as customers are now reaping all the rewards without inconveniences.

In recent years, Amazon has been continually trying to upgrade its platform, including updating its referral fee structure and increasing security measures to prevent fraudulent activities. What this quiet move tells us is that Amazon is dedicated to maintaining its reputation and continuously improving the customer experience.

The bottom line is that Amazon is always looking for ways to improve and remain ahead of the competition. They are committed to delivering the best customer service experience, and through its recent move, the platform enhances customer confidence in genuine prices and fair competition. So, whether you're a casual shopper or a massive spender, Amazon's new changes are sure to give you peace of mind and ultimately contribute to your shopping's overall ease.

Amazon's quiet move certainly made some significant improvements that benefit everyone who buys on their platform. The retail giant optimized its referral fee structure to reduce fraud and to deliver genuine products without compromising quality. Amazon's commitment and dedication towards fair pricing and customer satisfaction have cemented its place among other e-commerce platforms. It's always worth taking note of Amazon's commitments to excellence in buying and providing an honest, top-notch customer shopping experience.

Amazon Quietly Changed App Some Unfavorable

Amazon is one of the most popular online stores worldwide, and it has expanded its operations to over 15 countries. The company often makes changes to its platform and apps to improve the shopping experience for its customers. However, some users have recently reported that Amazon quietly changed its app in a way that is unfavorable to them.

The Changes to Amazon’s App

According to some Amazon users, the company made changes to the app that affect the way products are listed and searched for. Previously, users could easily filter their search results to see only products that were sold and shipped directly by Amazon. Now, third-party seller listings are mixed in with Amazon’s listings, making it harder for users to find what they are looking for.

Another change that Amazon has made to its app is the removal of user reviews for items that are not purchased through Amazon. Previously, users could read reviews for all products, including those sold by third parties. But now, if an item is not purchased through Amazon, there will be no reviews available for it on the app.

Why the Changes are Unfavorable

The changes to the Amazon app are unfavorable for several reasons. Firstly, users who prefer to buy directly from Amazon may find it difficult to do so since third-party sellers’ listings are now cluttering up the search results. This could lead to frustration and a decrease in customer satisfaction.

Secondly, removing reviews for non-Amazon purchases means that users have less information to go on when making their purchasing decisions. Reviews are an important factor in determining the quality of a product, and the lack of reviews for third-party products may lead users to avoid buying them altogether.

The Impact on Third-Party Sellers

The changes to the Amazon app also have an impact on third-party sellers. The removal of user reviews for their products means that they may struggle to attract new customers. Reviews are an important factor in building trust with customers, and the lack of reviews could lead to a decrease in sales for these sellers.

Furthermore, the fact that third-party listings are now mixed in with Amazon’s listings could also hurt these sellers. Amazon has built its reputation on being a reliable and trustworthy retailer, and users who are looking for this kind of shopping experience may choose to avoid third-party sellers altogether.


In conclusion, Amazon’s recent changes to its app have had a negative impact on both users and third-party sellers. While the company may have had good intentions in making these changes, it is clear that they have not been well-received by everyone. It remains to be seen whether Amazon will make any further tweaks to its platform to address these issues.

Comparison: Amazon Quietly Changed App Unfavorably


Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce websites in the world, and it has continued to evolve its mobile app to compete with other online retailers. However, some recent changes have left longtime users unhappy with the changes. In this article, we will compare the previous Amazon app to the new app and highlight some of the changes that have caused some dissatisfaction.

The Amazon App Experience

Before we dive into the recent changes, let's first talk about the Amazon app experience overall. The old app allowed for easy navigation, product search, and checkout processes. It was often praised for how user-friendly it was, leading to an increase in the number of users. However, some have said that the app was beginning to look dated.

The New Amazon App Design

Amazon recently redesigned its app, focusing solely on updating its design aesthetics. This change to the app's theme garnered a mixed reaction from users. Some praised the sleek new look, while others felt it was too flat. One particular criticism is that the design was purely cosmetic, with no additional functionality added.

Removal of Price History Charts

One of the features the old Amazon app had was a price history chart that allowed customers to track the price fluctuations of a particular item. However, when Amazon updated the app, they removed this feature. Some complained that it was a useful tool that helped them determine the best time to buy, especially for items that go on sale frequently.

Actions Hidden Behind Three Dots

Another frustration for many with the updated Amazon app is that some functions are now hidden behind three dots. For instance, on the old app, you could quickly access a shopping cart icon to see what you've added so far, while on the updated version, you need to tap the three dots first. This additional step has been a turnoff for many customers who want to access these features quickly.

Search Bar & Filters Placement

The last version of the app's search bar and filters were accessible from almost any page, which made it quick and easy to find what you need. However, Amazon moved the location of the search bar and filters to the top of the screen, making it less user-friendly overall. As a result, some have found it difficult to search through thousands of products.

Reduced Accessibility

Another criticism from users is that the updated Amazon app now has reduced accessibility in terms of ease of use and navigation. Some have found that the new design makes it harder to use and has resulted in frustration among long-time users.

The Pros of the Updated App

Despite the issues mentioned above, some believe that the update has brought a few positives as well. The app now loads faster and is more responsive. Users have also mentioned that the search function is more efficient and the product images are higher quality and clearer.

Comparison Table

To give you an overview of the differences between the old Amazon app and the updated version, we've created a comparison table below:
Old Amazon App New Amazon App
User-friendly navigation The design is purely cosmetic; functionality stays the same
Price history charts allowed tracking the price fluctuations of an item Price history charts removed
No actions hidden behind three dots Some functions hidden behind three dots
Search bar and filters accessible from almost any page Search bar and filters moved to the top
Easy navigation and use, suitable for all users The new design makes navigation harder and not as user-friendly
Product images were clear but lower quality Product images are now higher quality
N/A Loads faster and is more responsive


In conclusion, the recent changes to Amazon's app have brought mixed reviews from users. While some appreciate the sleek and updated look, others feel that it has negatively impacted the overall efficiency and user-friendliness. Regardless of personal opinions, it seems that the updated version of the app is here to stay.

Amazon Quietly Changed App Conditions Unfavorably – What You Need to Know


Recently, Amazon made some changes in the terms and conditions of its app store, which went largely unnoticed. The changes may not be visible to the naked eye at first, but they certainly can have a real impact. This article will guide you through the recent changes and their implications for app developers and users.

The Changes

Amazon changed the developer agreement governing its app store, which essentially grants it more control over the apps approved. Among other things, the changes give Amazon the ability to remove apps from its store without notice or explanation, making it extremely difficult for developers to know what rules they might have breached.

The Implications for Developers

One of the biggest implications for developers is that they now have to be even more cautious about the content they publish on the store. From now on, Amazon may decide to remove any app that violates their content rules, even if the app has been approved before.Moreover, Amazon's terms state that developers are responsible for all returns and customer service activities, regardless of whether Amazon has processed payments. The move effectively puts more power into Amazon's hands, giving it the right to deduct refunds from future developer payments.

The Implications for Users

The new changes also have implications for end-users. The most significant change is that Amazon can now offer customers competing products within an app. Previously, Amazon mandated in its developer agreement that featured products should always link directly to Amazon's own content. However, the updated agreement allows Amazon to show alternative products if it deems it appropriate.

The Impact

The updated app store agreement means that developers who use Amazon's app store could face more scrutiny and control from the company than ever before. Additionally, users may see fewer apps featured in the store or more ads within them, given Amazon's new ability to advertise competing products.

How to Adapt

App developers should take the opportunity to review their existing customer service processes and ensure they have a robust return policy established. They should also be mindful of the content published to the app store, ensuring they adhere to Amazon's policies. Moreover, they should be on the lookout for objections from users and address issues promptly.On the user side, they should remain vigilant when using Amazon's app store. Make sure you understand the terms of service, so you can quickly spot and report any erroneous activity that violates the policies.


Overall, the new changes to Amazon's developer agreement mean that developers need to be even more cautious with their app development and publishing. The implications for users may not be significant, but it is vital they continue to monitor any changes made by Amazon and report violations when necessary.

Amazon Quietly Changed App Some Unfavorable

Amazon has been the go-to place for millions of people worldwide for online purchasing and selling, and the company continues to grow its business with various tools such as the Amazon's Seller App. However, there is news that Amazon has quietly made subtle changes to their Seller App that have had a few unfavorable consequences for sellers. In this article, we will discuss these changes in detail, what they entail, and how sellers can handle them.

To begin with, Amazon's Seller App has introduced a new feature known as the Search Frequency Rank that provides an insight into the popularity of product keywords search by customers. According to Amazon, this new feature is intended to help sellers improve their keywords ranking, hence boosting their sales. However, on the flip side, it seems this feature is not doing anything more than confusing sellers.

The Search Frequency Rank feature displays the search frequency of a particular keyword but without any context, making it difficult for sellers to use it accurately and meaningfully. For instance, let's say two different keywords have search frequencies of 50 and 100, respectively. Without knowing the details such as the competition level, it is challenging to determine which keyword is better. Furthermore, this new feature only tracks the mobile application usage data, and not web usage statistics - which further undermines its usefulness as a metric of popularity.

Another area where Amazon has changed the app is in the way it displays seller metrics. Amazon has phased out standard Performance figures, such as Order Defect Rate (ODR), Cancel Rate, and Late Shipment Rate (LSR). Instead, Amazon is now using Account Health - a lump sum performance of all ratings. This change could be detrimental for new sellers or those with a small number of sales to their performance. A single negative review from a buyer could significantly affect their Account Health and make them lose out on permissions to sell in certain categories.

Amazon has also implemented another change that has affected the Payments Reports. Amazon's Seller App now shows reconciled payments versus unreconciled payments, which is not self-explanatory for most sellers. Furthermore, sellers have reported considerable issues with the app not matching payments they received on their platform (payable amount) with the app reports resulting in massive headaches due to discrepancies.

In conclusion, the changes made to the Amazon Seller App are already negatively impacting seller experiences. But as an Amazon Seller, you need to be mindful of these changes, adapt, and understand how to get around them. Knowing what to do when something happens is crucial, so be sure to keep aware of updates and announcements. However, for a better experience, sellers should consider consulting with a specialist or eCommerce experts to help navigate these changes and ensure customer satisfaction and maintain high account health.

Thank you for reading this article about Amazon Quietly Changing App Some Unfavorable. As always, we welcome your feedback and comments regarding this issue. Please do share your thoughts below!

People Also Ask About Amazon Quietly Changed App Some Unfavorable

What changes did Amazon make to their app?

Amazon made several changes to their app that did not sit well with users. These changes include:

  1. Removing the option to block sellers – This feature was previously available on the app, allowing users to block sellers they deemed unreliable or untrustworthy.
  2. Removing the ability to see the seller's email address – This feature was previously available on the app, and it allowed customers to contact the seller directly via email.
  3. Removing the ability to sort customer reviews – The app no longer allows users to sort customer reviews based on the type of product or by the rating they gave.

Why did Amazon silently make these changes?

There is no official statement from Amazon regarding why they chose to make these changes without any prior notice to the public. However, some speculate that these changes were done to improve the app's interface and user experience. Others speculate that Amazon wants to gain more control over its marketplace and its third-party sellers.

How do these changes affect Amazon customers?

These changes may affect Amazon customers in the following ways:

  • Difficulty in locating trusted sellers – With the removal of the block seller feature, customers may find it harder to identify reliable and trustworthy sellers on the platform.
  • Decreased communication with sellers – Without access to the seller's email address, customers may find it difficult to communicate directly with them regarding issues with products.
  • Less control over customer reviews – Without the ability to sort customer reviews, customers may have a harder time finding relevant information about products before purchasing.

Can Amazon reverse these changes?

Amazon has not commented on whether they plan to reverse these changes. However, customers can voice their concerns and feedback by contacting Amazon's customer service.