App Store Implements New Consent Guidelines: Apps Now Rejected for Non-Compliance


Are you an avid user of the App Store? Beware because Apple has tightened its rules for app developers. The App Store is now rejecting apps that do not comply with the new guidelines, particularly on consent.

In recent years, data privacy has become one of the most discussed topics in the tech industry. Governments and regulators have put more pressure on tech companies to be more transparent when it comes to user data collection and usage.

Apple, being one of the leading tech companies in the world, has stepped up its game in data privacy. In September 2020, it released iOS 14, which introduced several measures to protect user data. One of the most significant is the App Tracking Transparency feature. This feature requires app developers to ask for user permission before tracking their data across apps or websites owned by other companies.

As of April 26, 2021, Apple has implemented a new rule for app developers. They must disclose what user data they collect and obtain user consent before accessing their data.

So, why did Apple implement this new rule?

According to statistics, 70% of apps share user data with third-party firms. Some of these firms use this data for targeted advertising, which can be invasive and harmful to users' privacy. The new rule ensures that users have full control over their data and give permission before it's collected.

If you're an app developer, you must comply with the new guidelines. Failure to do so may result in your app being rejected, or worse, removed from the App Store.

Developers should keep the following in mind when submitting an app to the App Store:

First, clearly state what type of user data you collect and how you intend to use it. Be transparent and concise.

Second, make sure you obtain user consent before accessing their data. The App Tracking Transparency feature makes this easy, as users will be prompted to allow or deny access.

Third, ensure that there is a way for users to revoke their consent. This means providing an option in your app's settings to turn off data collection.

Finally, keep up-to-date with the latest privacy guidelines and regulations. Apple is not the only company implementing stricter data privacy measures. So, it is important to stay compliant with all regulations to avoid penalties or legal issues.

In conclusion, the new rule imposed by Apple on the App Store is a step forward for user data privacy. As an app developer, it is essential to understand and comply with the new guidelines. Apple encourages transparency, and if you want to keep your app in the App Store, you must follow the rules.

So, if you're an app developer, make sure you obtain user consent before collecting their data. It's time to play by the rules and prioritize user privacy.

App Store Consent Now Rejecting Apps without Title

Apple’s App Store is undoubtedly the most popular digital marketplace for developers to distribute their apps to millions of IPhone users worldwide. Over the years, Apple has continuously updated the App Store guidelines and policies to ensure that apps comply with their standards and provide the best user experience possible. Recently, Apple announced that they would reject any app submitted to the store that doesn’t have a title.

The Importance of Having an App Title

The title of an app is often the first thing that users notice when browsing through the App Store. A clear and concise title can help attract potential users and encourage them to download the app. The title also plays a crucial function in the discoverability of an app. It acts as metadata, informing the search engine algorithms which keywords to match when a user searches for a particular category of apps. Moreover, having a proper app title also makes it easier for users to share the app through social media or word of mouth.

The Consequences of Not Having an App Title

Apple's decision to now reject apps without a title is a significant one. Previously, there was no formal rule regarding the requirement of a title. However, this has changed, and Apple has made it mandatory for all developers to have a title on their apps. Failure to comply with this new policy will result in rejection from the App Store. Additionally, being rejected from the App Store can significantly hurt an app's credibility and reduce its chances of succeeding in a crowded marketplace.

How to Create a Proper App Title

With Apple now making it mandatory to have an app title, developers must ensure that their app titles are clear, concise, and descriptive. A good app title should give users an idea about the functionality of the app and be short enough to fit on a mobile screen. It is also a good idea to include relevant keywords and avoid using generic or overly complicated language. Developers who are struggling to make a title can also consider conducting market research to see what similar apps are calling themselves or brainstorming with colleagues for ideas.

Apple’s App Store Guidelines

It is not uncommon for Apple to update its guidelines and policies to ensure that all apps meet their standards for quality and user experience. The App Store Review Guidelines lay out the rules for developers to follow when submitting an app to the store. Apple provides detailed instructions to ensure that apps comply with their standards for content, design, and functionality.

How Apps are Reviewed

When a developer submits an app to the App Store, it goes through a rigorous review process to ensure that it meets the guidelines and policies set by Apple. During this review stage, Apple scrutinizes the app’s functionality, design, and overall content. Developers should be prepared for the possibility of being rejected if their app doesn't meet the standard set by Apple.

The Future of the App Store

Over the years, the App Store has become a crucial part of our daily lives. Millions of people use it daily, making it an incredibly powerful tool for developers and businesses. Recently, Apple has made several significant changes to the App Store’s guidelines and policies, indicating that we can expect even more changes in the future. As the App Store evolves, it is crucial that developers keep up with these changes and adapt their app submission strategies accordingly.

In Conclusion

Apple’s decision to reject apps without a title is a significant step towards ensuring the quality of apps in the App Store. By having a proper app title, developers can create a better user experience and increase the discoverability of their app. Developers who are struggling to come up with a title should get creative and consider brainstorming or conducting market research to get ideas. It is crucial for developers to stay updated on App Store guidelines and policies to ensure that their apps meet the quality and functionality standards set by Apple. Overall, while this change may be significant for some developers, it is a positive one that will ultimately benefit both developers and users alike.

App Store now rejecting apps without user consent

The App Store is Apple's digital distribution platform that serves as a storefront for iOS and macOS applications. Apple's App Store has always been known to have strict guidelines when it comes to app submission and review. They have a comprehensive list of requirements that an app must adhere to before getting accepted. Recently, however, the App Store has implemented a new rule that requires developers to obtain explicit permission from users to collect and share data.

The new rule on consent

Starting on December 8, 2020, the App Store implemented a new rule that requires developers to obtain explicit consent from users to collect and share their personal data. This new rule applies to all apps that collect data from users, including location, device identification, contact information, and browsing history. If an app fails to provide the appropriate consent prompt or permission explanation, the app will be rejected from the App Store.

The new rule affects all types of apps, including those that use advertising as their primary source of revenue. In fact, apps that contain third-party software development kits (SDKs) must disclose which SDKs they are using and obtain explicit consent from users before proceeding.

Comparison of old versus new App Store requirements

Before the new consent rule was introduced, developers only needed to get permission from users to access certain data sets. For example, a flashlight app would need user consent to access the phone's camera, but they could also request access to other features, such as the user's contacts or geolocation. This rule made it easier for developers to obtain data from users without explicitly asking for permission.

Now, under the new rule, developers are required to obtain initial permission for any data collection that is not mandatory for an app to work. The change has resulted in many developers receiving rejections from the App Store due to inadequate consent prompts.

Data required for app functionality

Under the new rule, apps that require some data to function adequately can still get away with not explicitly getting user consent. This includes apps such as mapping or photo applications that need geolocation information to provide location-based services or access to camera roll photos. So long as the app correctly explains why the data is necessary for the app to work and doesn't misuse it in any way, the app will get approved to run on the App Store.

Obtaining user consent

The App Store is now very strict when it comes to permission prompts that appear within apps. If a prompt contains unclear language, misleading information, or an opt-in option that appears selected by default, then the App Store will reject the app. Developers must also ensure that they ask for permission to collect each data type separately, providing clear reasons for why they need each type of data.

Opinion on the new rule

The new App Store rule puts users' privacy concerns first. This move is in line with increasing global privacy regulations that comprise the EU's General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came into force in May 2018. These data protection regulations mean developers cannot collect and use user's data without valid user consent. The new rule is beneficial as it will lead to developers enhancing their disclosure practices and security measures, providing efficient data protection to their users.

Benefits to developers

Developers will also have to assess what customer data they are collecting that is not necessary for the app to operate efficiently. As e-commerce functionality becomes the norm for many apps, developers will have to move away from collecting irrelevant customer data to focusing on behavioral attributes for inventory management, customer service, and targeted marketing.


The Apple App Store's new data privacy regulation will promote trust and transparency that will improve relationships between consumers and developers. The rule encourages data disclosure and seeks to limit misuse of data collected by apps on iOS and macOS platforms. This change will lead to innovations on the part of developers, who will come up with creative ways of using user data while limiting the information they collect. Ensuring a balance between a user's right to privacy and an app's needs will guarantee a positive user experience and help users retain trust in App Store applications.

How to Avoid App Store Rejection for Consent Violations


When it comes to mobile app development, complying with laws and regulations surrounding user privacy, data protection, and consent is a must-do. Failure to comply may lead to significant consequences like legal repercussions, loss of trust, and financial losses. Apple's App Store has tightened its rules and guidelines with respect to user consent, and if you're a developer submitting an app, it's crucial to make sure your app follows them.

What is Consent?

In simple terms, consent is the process of getting user permission to collect, use, or share their data. In the context of the App Store, when a user launches an app that collects data, they must be informed of this fact, and the app must obtain their explicit consent before proceeding.

Why is Consent Important?

Consent is critical because it enables users to maintain control over their data, and it also establishes trust between users and app developers. When users know that their data is being handled properly, and when developers are transparent about their data policies and usage, both parties can benefit, and the app ecosystem can thrive.

How to Ensure Your App Complies with Consent Rules on the App Store

To avoid rejection for consent violations, it's essential to ensure that your app meets all of Apple's guidelines. The following are some best practices to follow:

Be Transparent

Users must be able to understand how their data is being used and what exact data the app is collecting. This information should be displayed clearly and concisely in your app's privacy policy.

Obtain Explicit Consent

You must not only explain what data is being collected, but also provide a way for users to actively opt-in or consent to this data collection. This opt-in process should be separate from any device or operating system-level permission screens.

Avoid Misleading Language

Make sure that your app's descriptions are clear, concise, and not misleading in any way. Avoid language that could potentially mislead users into granting permission they may not have otherwise agreed to.

Don't Overcollect Data

Collect only the data you really need to provide your app's core functionality. Don't gather more information than necessary, and don't store data longer than is required. Users should be provided with an easy way to delete their data if they decide to do so.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes that developers make that can lead to App Store rejection:

Assuming Implied Consent

Just because a user agrees to your terms and conditions doesn't mean they've given their explicit consent to collect their data. The only way to obtain valid consent is to ask for it explicitly.

Making Consent a Condition of Use

Apps cannot make a user's consent to data collection a prerequisite for the app's use or features. Users must have the ability to opt-out of data collection without any impact on their ability to use the app.

Not Updating Your Privacy Policy

If you decide to change your data collection practices or share data with third parties, you must update your privacy policy and alert users accordingly.


Complying with Apple's guidelines regarding user consent is crucial for any mobile app developer who wishes to publish their app on the App Store. To avoid rejection for consent violations, make sure to follow best practices, be transparent, obtain explicit consent, avoid misleading language, and don't overcollect data. Stay informed and up-to-date on any changes or updates to Apple's guidelines, and keep your privacy policy updated accordingly. This way, you can ensure that your app is on the path to success.

App Store Consent Now Rejecting Apps

The App Store is the go-to marketplace for millions of Apple device users worldwide. It's the place to be if you want your app to get noticed and played by a lot of people. However, it's not always easy to get accepted into the App Store, especially if your app isn't up to par with the guidelines set by Apple. Recently, Apple has been cracking down on apps that don't follow its strict standards. In particular, App Store consent is now rejecting apps that fail to comply with its privacy policies.

So what does this mean for developers? Essentially, any app that doesn't have a proper privacy policy in place is at risk of being rejected by Apple. This could be a big problem for many developers who may not have put much thought into their app's privacy policies. Some developers may think that their apps are harmless and don't need a privacy policy, but that's not necessarily the case.

Apps that collect personal information such as names, emails, and phone numbers must have a privacy policy in place to let users know how that data will be used. Without a privacy policy, users are left in the dark about what happens to their information after they've entered it into the app. This lack of transparency can lead to distrust and ultimately result in the app being rejected from the App Store.

Apple's focus on privacy is nothing new. In fact, the company has always been very vocal about its commitment to user privacy. With the recent updates to their App Store guidelines, however, it's clear that they're taking privacy even more seriously than before. This is a good thing for users, as it means they can trust the apps they download from the App Store to be safe and secure.

Developers should take note of this new focus on privacy and make sure their apps comply with Apple's guidelines. This means not only having a privacy policy in place but also being transparent about what data your app collects and how it's used. It's important to be upfront with your users and let them know exactly what they're agreeing to when they download your app.

Another important aspect of complying with Apple's guidelines is ensuring that your app isn't engaging in any unethical or illegal practices. This includes things like spamming users with notifications or using deceptive tactics to get people to download your app. These types of practices are not only frowned upon by Apple but also by users and can lead to your app being rejected from the App Store.

If your app does get rejected from the App Store, don't panic. Apple provides feedback on why your app was rejected and what you can do to bring it into compliance. Take this feedback seriously and make the necessary changes to your app to ensure it meets Apple's guidelines. Once you've made the necessary changes, resubmit your app for review and hope for the best.

It's important to remember that the App Store is a privilege and not a right. Apple has the final say on what gets accepted into the App Store, and developers must accept this fact. That being said, if you follow Apple's guidelines, there's no reason why your app can't be successful on the platform.

In conclusion, if you're a developer looking to get your app into the App Store, make sure you have a proper privacy policy in place and that your app complies with Apple's guidelines. This includes being transparent with your users about what data your app collects and how it's used, as well as avoiding any unethical or illegal practices. With Apple's increased focus on privacy, it's more important than ever to take these guidelines seriously if you want your app to be accepted into the App Store.

Thank you for reading this article on App Store consent now rejecting apps. As always, it's important to keep up-to-date with the latest changes and guidelines when it comes to getting your app onto the App Store. It may seem daunting at first, but by following Apple's guidelines and being transparent with your users, there's no reason why your app can't be a success on one of the world's largest app marketplaces.

People Also Ask About App Store Consent Now Rejecting Apps

Why is the App Store rejecting apps?

Recently, the App Store updated its guidelines regarding users' consent to data tracking. As a result, apps that do not comply with these guidelines are being rejected.

What data tracking guidelines do apps need to follow?

Apps are now required to ask users for their consent before collecting any personal data. Additionally, apps cannot require permission to access a user's device to use the app if it is not necessary for its functionality.

Can users opt-out of data tracking?

Yes, users are able to opt-out of data tracking through the app's settings or during the initial setup. If a user chooses to opt-out, the app is required to respect their decision and refrain from collecting any personal data.

How can app developers ensure their app is not rejected?

App developers must ensure that their app complies with the App Store's updated guidelines regarding data tracking. This includes asking users for their consent before collecting any personal data and only requesting access to a user's device when necessary for the app's functionality. Developers should also clearly explain why they need access to certain permissions in the app's description and privacy policy.

What happens if an app is rejected?

If an app is rejected, the developer will receive a notification outlining the reason for the rejection. The developer can then make the necessary adjustments and resubmit the app for review.

What implications does this have for app users?

This update gives users more control over their personal data and how it is being collected and used by apps. Users can rest assured that they are being given clear information and options before their data is collected by an app.

What implications does this have for app developers?

App developers will need to ensure that they are fully compliant with the App Store's updated guidelines to avoid having their app rejected. This may require additional resources for reviewing and updating their privacy policies and making any necessary changes to the app's functionality.