Apple Renews Bid to Comply with Court-Ordered App Change, Aims to Restore Trust in Users


Apple Renews Bid for Court-ordered App Change

Apple Inc. has again requested the United States District Court to enforce its order regarding a change in the way apps are downloaded on the iPhone and iPad. In this article, we will delve deeper into the issue and understand why Apple is making this request.

Why is Apple requesting the court to enforce the order?

Apple’s request comes after a group of app developers complained that its App Store practices, including its 30% commission on in-app purchases, gives the company an unfair advantage over third-party apps. The court had earlier ruled that Apple should let developers be able to link to external payment options outside of its App Store and avoid paying commissions.

However, Apple claims that it has complied with the order by adding a payment mechanism, which allows developers to link out to external payment methods. The company argues that the court's demand for them to allow “button or link” must be restricted to purchases within the app.

Further, the tech giant believes that the requirement to drop the fee would undermine the integrity and security of its platform, and it will cause significant harm. Through this order, Apple aims to safeguard its platform, which is valued at billions of dollars and used by millions of people worldwide.

Is Apple's App Store unjustly affecting developers?

According to statistics, Apple’s App Store is the largest marketplace for mobile apps, generating over $64 billion in 2020. However, the court’s ruling follows years of complaints from developers that Apple misuses its market position to extract excessive commissions and unfairly prioritize its apps above others.

The main concern is that Apple's 30% commission on in-app purchases remains unchanged, leaving developers with no other option but to sell their products directly through Apple's App Store.

Moreover, many critics argue that the App Store review process hinders innovation, limits competition, and restricts free speech. Despite Apple's claims of a fair and transparent process, there have been claims of arbitrary refusals and rejections of apps off late.

What does the future hold for Apple's App Store practices?

Whether or not Apple will be required to change its App Store practices remains to be seen. While some believe that the court's ruling was long overdue, Apple has its fair share of supporters who argue that it should not be forced to alter its business model.

In conclusion, Apple's request to enforce the court order regarding app changes is a significant development in the ongoing battle between the tech giant and app developers. For Apple, safeguarding its platform's integrity and security is essential, but for developers, a fair playing field is what they desire the most. Only time will tell what impact this request will have on the app ecosystem and what changes will come next.

Apple Renews Bid for Court-ordered App Change

Apple is one of the biggest tech giants in the world. However, the company has recently found itself in a legal battle with Epic Games, the makers of Fortnite. Epic Games had accused Apple of anti-competitive behavior by forcing developers to use its in-app payment system for digital goods and services and charging them a 30% commission on each transaction. This led to Apple banning Fortnite and later removing it from the App Store.

In response, Epic Games filed a lawsuit against Apple, which has now led to a court-ordered mandate that requires Apple to make changes to its App Store policies. Following this ruling, Apple is now renewing its bid to have the court-ordered app change overruled.

The court-ordered app change

The court-ordered app change that Apple is seeking to overturn relates to allowing developers to use third-party payment systems for in-app purchases. Apple has argued that this will compromise the security and privacy of their users. They are also worried that it could lead to more fraudulent activities and scams on their platform.

However, the case is not just about allowing third-party payment systems. Epic Games has also accused Apple of monopolistic practices, which they believe are harmful to not just other developers but consumers as well. This is because it limits competition and innovation.

Why Apple wants the court order overturned

Apple claims that the court-ordered app change is unnecessary as developers can already offer their own payment options, but these options cannot be shown directly in the app. Instead, users have to navigate through the developer's website to do so. Apple argues that the current system provides a safe and secure way of handling payments while also ensuring the quality of the apps that are available on its platform.

However, Apple is also concerned about the loss of revenue if it allows third-party payment systems. The 30% commission that it charges developers on each transaction is a significant source of income for the company. Allowing third-party payment systems would reduce this income significantly.

What this means for the app industry

This legal battle between Apple and Epic Games has far-reaching implications. It could change the way developers do business and impact the entire app industry. If the court order remains in place, then developers will be able to offer their own payment options within their apps. This will give them greater control over how they monetize their products and potentially reduce their costs.

However, it is not just Apple that will be impacted by the court-ordered app change. Other app stores such as Google Play will also have to make similar changes as they face similar lawsuits and regulatory pressures from around the world.


The legal battle between Epic Games and Apple has brought to the forefront many issues that have been brewing for some time now. It has raised questions about monopolistic practices, the role of app stores, and the future of the app industry. For now, Apple's bid to have the court-ordered change overturned is still pending. It remains to be seen whether the tech giant will be successful in defending its position or whether we will witness a significant shift in the dynamics of the app industry.

Apple Renews Bid for Court-ordered App Change: A Comparison

The Background of the Issue

In 2019, Apple faced lawsuits that challenged its App Store policies. One of the cases was filed by developers with the U.S. Supreme Court alleging monopolistic practices by the tech giant. Apple operates in a way that requires app developers to use the App Store as the only means of distribution and transaction, taking a 30% commission on all purchases made through it.

In 2021, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that rejected Apple's argument that the only parties who could sue over antitrust practices were those who directly purchased products or services from them. Thus, the iPhone maker's legal liabilities were broadened to include any app developer who wished to challenge its app distribution and payment policies.

The Impact of the Current App Store Policy

The current App Store policy has been met with criticism and accusations of anti-competitive behavior. As a result, many developers avoid the App Store completely, releasing their apps through alternative platforms such as Google Play, or building web apps instead. Small developers have expressed difficulties in bringing their apps to users due to the commission fees imposed by Apple. In turn, some users have experienced higher prices as developers pass on the cost of the fees to the consumers.

The Proposed Change to App Store Policies

In response to this, Apple has renewed its bid for court-ordered app change. The proposed policy change aims to ease restrictions on developers by allowing them to steer their customers to an outside website address for purchasing services. App developers would also be allowed to send direct communication to their users outside of their app providing purchase options and encourage users to make payments through an external website. For each such sale, Apple would not take a cut, and the customer's transaction would not go through the App Store.

Apple is making an offer to create a special program with more favorable fees for news publishers in its App Store, in comparison to the current fees of 30% on most apps.

The Comparison between Current and Proposed Policies

To provide a clear view of the changes proposed by Apple, the following table will highlight the differences between the current and proposed policies:

Current Policy Proposed Change
App developers must use the App Store as the only means of distribution and payment. Developers will be permitted to send direct communication outside of the app providing purchase options and encourage users to make payments through an external website.
Apple takes a 30% commission on all purchases made through the App Store. Apple would not take a cut, and the customer's transaction would not go through the App Store for purchases and services made through external websites or direct communication.
N/A Apple has renewed its bid for court-ordered app change plus a special program with more favorable fees for news publishers in comparison to the current fees of 30% on most apps.

The Opinion on the Proposed Change

The proposed changes have been well received by some developers and organizations such as the European Publishers Council. Some argue that the proposals are a good step forward, but they do not solve all the problems that small developers face when it comes to the App Store. Others believe that the proposals will create an uneven playing field between big and small developers, where the former can afford to build external payment systems and the latter cannot.

In conclusion, while many developers have welcomed Apple's proposed changes, it is clear that the issue of app distribution and payment policies is a complex and multi-faceted one. Any changes made to improve the situation will require careful consideration and balanced decision making, with the ultimate goal of fostering a healthy and thriving app development ecosystem that benefits both developers and users alike.

Apple Renews Bid Court-ordered App Change: A Guide to the Latest Development

Apple has been in a constant battle with developers over app store policies that apply to in-app purchases. Last week, the company filed an appeal in the Ninth Circuit against a previous court ruling that requires it to rephrase how it presents apps with in-app purchases to app users.

This move aims to change the way Apple operates, giving developers and users more control over their purchases. While this has been a long-standing issue, it's essential for consumers to understand why the ongoing lawsuit is critical, its genesis, and how it can affect their lives.

The Genesis of the Lawsuit

In 2011, several parents filed a lawsuit accusing Apple of allowing children to make hundreds of dollars worth of in-app purchases without their parents' consent, triggering an avalanche of similar claims. Apple was quick to defend the charges but later agreed to settle for $100m. The settlement required Apple to refund the affected parents, but no significant changes were made to App Store policies.

In February 2021, a new class-action suit against Apple was unearthed. This lawsuit, currently pending, argues that App Store policies enable Apple to monopolize the iOS market, giving it too much control over app development and payment structures. More so, the suit alleges that Apple uses its dominion over app creators to stifle competition and pass excessive commissions to developers and users.

The Implications of the Ruling

Last month, there was another court ruling in a class-action lawsuit against Apple. The ruling mandated that Apple must restructure the App Store purchasing guidelines to make it clear to users when they can make purchases outside of the App Store. This will allow developers to direct users to alternative payment methods, which could result in cheaper purchases outside of Apple's commission structures.

This ruling will require significant changes to how the App Store operates, offering users and developers more control over their transactions and payment options. The change is monumental, as it could potentially disrupt Apple's revenue shares scheme and give developers an edge over Apple's in-house payment system.

What This Means for Users

User experience will significantly improve with the proposed changes, ultimately giving users more control over their in-app purchases. Developers, on the other hand, will have the freedom to experiment with pricing and rewards while enjoying a fairer playing field that isn't dominated by Apple's monopoly.

The changes promised may also expand the number of apps available on iOS devices, encouraging more developers to create apps and entice innovation into the mobile app market.


Apple's lawsuit and court decisions affect developers and users alike, with unprecedented implications for Apple's in-house payment system. The renewed bid for a court order change could potentially ensure that consumers have more control over their in-app purchases while promoting competition in the mobile app market.

It's essential to keep an eye on the proceedings and what it means for the tech giant and the app creation scene at large. If you're a developer or have been affected by Apple's in-app purchases policies, this case impacts you and could offer positive changes for the future.

Apple Renews Bid to Fight Court-Ordered App Changes

Apple has been fighting against a court order that would require them to change the way they operate their App Store. While updates to the App Store are frequently made by Apple, this particular change would allow developers to steer customers away from paying for Apple's in-app purchases and towards their own payment solutions.

This change would be a significant blow to Apple's bottom line, as the company makes a significant amount of money through its in-app purchases. Consequently, Apple is seeking to appeal the court order and have it overturned. Here's what you need to know about the case:

The issue began when Epic Games sued Apple after the company removed their popular game Fortnite from the App Store. The suit claimed that Apple was using monopolistic practices by requiring developers to use Apple's in-app payment system rather than allowing them to use their own. Apple maintains that their system is necessary to ensure security and consistency across the App Store.

So far, the courts have sided with Epic Games, which led to the initial ruling that Apple must make changes to their App Store policies. However, Apple is not backing down and has recently filed an appeal of the ruling. In their appeal, Apple argues that the decision made by the court was incomplete and that there were several key factors left unconsidered.

Apple believes that the court did not fully take into account the potential security risks of allowing developers to bypass the in-app payment system. They also believe that the ruling would impact the user experience on the App Store, as it could lead to confusion among users who may not know which payment system to use. Finally, they argue that the court's decision would impact their ability to offer the highest quality apps and services to their users.

While Apple's appeal is pending, the company has been taking steps to mitigate the impact of the court order. For example, they recently launched a program that will reduce the fees charged to small businesses on the App Store. Additionally, they are allowing developers to promote outside payment options in emails and other communications with customers, although these promotions cannot be included directly in the app.

Despite these efforts, it is clear that Apple is still committed to fighting the court order. The company believes that the current system is necessary for maintaining a high level of security and reliability for its users, and that any changes would have a negative impact on both the user experience and the company's bottom line.

In conclusion, it remains to be seen what the ultimate outcome of this case will be. Apple's appeal is currently pending, and it may take some time before a final decision is reached. In the meantime, however, it is clear that Apple is willing to fight tooth and nail to preserve the current state of the App Store and protect their financial interests.

For those who are currently using Apple products, this case is an important one to keep an eye on, as it could have significant implications for the future of the App Store and mobile gaming in general. We will continue to follow this story closely and provide updates as they become available.

Thank you for taking the time to read our coverage of this developing story! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

People Also Ask About Apple Renews Bid Courtordered App Change

What is Apple's bid for the court ordered app change?

Apple Renewed its bid for a court-ordered policy change to continue their control over the App Store. They argue that they are offering high-quality apps with strict privacy and security measures.

Why was there a court order on Apple's app store policy?

The court order came after a lawsuit filed by Epic Games. They claimed that Apple was engaging in anti-competitive practices, forcing developers to use their payment system and take a 30% cut from all transactions.

What are the implications of Apple's control over the App Store?

  1. App developers are required to follow Apple's guidelines and are subject to their review process.
  2. Apple takes a 30% cut on all in-app purchases and subscriptions made through its payment system.
  3. App developers have limited control over their pricing and distribution.

What changes are being proposed by Apple?

Apple is proposing to maintain its control over the App Store but is willing to make some changes to address concerns about anti-competitive behavior. These include:

  • Reducing the commission on small developers to 15%.
  • Allowing developers to contact customers outside of the app about alternative payment options.
  • Increasing transparency around the review process and guidelines.

What are the potential outcomes of Apple's bid?

The court has yet to make a final decision on the matter. If Apple's bid is successful, they will be able to maintain their control over the App Store. However, if the court orders a change, Apple may have to make significant adjustments to their policy and revenue model.