Apple Suspends Wimkin from App Store Over Hate Speech Claims


Apple has recently suspended Wimkin, a social media app widely used by supporters of former US President Donald Trump, from its App Store. This move was made after some posts on the platform were found to contain violent and extremist content, sparking concerns about potential risks to public safety.

But what exactly is Wimkin and why did Apple take such a drastic move? Read on to find out more.

Wimkin is a relatively new social media platform founded in 2019, which aims to offer an alternative to mainstream sites like Facebook and Twitter. It bills itself as a Free Speech Zone that allows users to share their opinions and ideas without fear of censorship or deplatforming.

The app gained popularity among supporters of conservative causes, including many who felt silenced or marginalized on other platforms. However, it has also been criticized for allowing content that promotes violence, racism, and other forms of hate speech.

So, why did Apple suspend Wimkin? For one thing, the platform had reportedly become a haven for QAnon conspiracy theorists, who have been linked to multiple acts of violence and domestic terrorism in recent years.

Moreover, several posts on Wimkin had appeared to encourage violence and even assassination against political leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris.

This and other extremist content violated Apple's policies regarding user-generated content on the App Store, which state that apps must not contain any defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups.

As a result of these violations, Apple removed Wimkin from the App Store, effectively banning it from distribution to iOS users. This is not the first time that Apple has taken such action against a social media platform; in the wake of the January 6th Capitol riots, the tech giant also suspended Parler for similar reasons.

However, some users and supporters of Wimkin have criticized Apple's decision as an attack on free speech and individual liberties. They argue that the company is censoring conservative voices and unfairly targeting their platform.

Others have also raised concerns about the potential consequences of such actions, worrying that they could lead to further polarization and radicalization among certain segments of the population.

Regardless of one's political leanings or views on free speech, however, it is clear that the issue of online extremism and safety remains a pressing concern for many people today.

As we navigate this complex and ever-changing landscape, it is important to stay informed, vigilant, and engaged with the issues at hand. By working together and promoting healthy dialogue and debate, we can hopefully build a better and more inclusive digital world for all.

So, what do you think? Was Apple's decision to suspend Wimkin justified, or does it represent a dangerous move towards censorship and thought control? Share your thoughts and opinions below!

Apple has made quite an uproar in the social media world after suspending Wimkin from its App Store. Wimkin is a new social media platform that has been gaining popularity among conservative users. The app prides itself on being open to free speech and not censoring its users. However, Wimkin's stance on content moderation did not sit well with Apple. According to reports, the tech giant suspended the app for violating its terms of service.

What is Wimkin?

Wimkin is positioned as an alternative to mainstream social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The app was launched by Jason Sheppard, a retired police officer, who was looking for a place where conservative voices could be heard.

Wimkin markets itself as a free-speech platform that doesn't censor or moderate posts. In contrast, mainstream social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been accused of suppressing conservative views.

With the recent alleged censorship by mainstream social media platforms, Wimkin has been gaining popularity among conservative users. The app has over 300,000 active users and is growing rapidly.

The App Suspension

Wimkin was removed from Apple's App Store on January 8, 2021. According to reports, the company was sent a notice by Apple, explaining that the app violated several of the company’s guidelines. The notice also stated that Wimkin was removed because it failed to comply with Apple’s developer agreement.

However, Wimkin claimed that they had not received any prior warnings or notifications from Apple regarding the alleged violation of terms. The app's official site states that the company has been fully transparent about its content moderation process.

The Response from Wimkin

After the suspension, Wimkin issued a statement, accusing Apple of political bias. They claimed that the suspension was a direct attack on conservative voices and free speech.

The company's CEO, Jason Sheppard, stated that they had been targeted by Big Tech companies because they were offering a platform that allowed conservatives to express their views. Sheppard also added that the suspension was an attempt to silence conservative voices.

Apple's Perspective

In response to Wimkin's claims, Apple argued that Wimkin was suspended because it violated several of the company’s guidelines. Apple stated that the app was removed because it failed to comply with its developer agreement, which requires developers to moderate user-generated content to prevent harmful content from being posted on their platforms.

Apple also stated that the decision to suspend Wimkin was not politically motivated. The company argued that all developers need to comply with the same set of guidelines and that any app that violates these guidelines will be subject to removal.

What Happens Now?

Wimkin has decided to take its case public and has been encouraging its users to speak up against what it calls political bias by Big Tech companies. Many conservative voices have shown support for the app, claiming that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to express their views without fear of censorship.

Wimkin has also launched a legal fund to challenge its suspension and restore the app on Apple's App Store. However, the outcome of this legal battle is yet to be seen.

The Bottom Line

The suspension of Wimkin has reignited the debate about free speech on social media platforms. While it is important to ensure that harmful content is not allowed on these platforms, it is equally important to protect the right to free speech. Wimkin's suspension raises questions about the power that tech giants have over online discourse and whether they are using this power to silence voices that they don't agree with.

As the battle between Wimkin and Apple continues, it remains to be seen how this will affect other social media platforms that position themselves as alternatives to mainstream platforms. Will these platforms be able to survive without being subject to censorship and scrutiny? Only time will tell.

Apple Suspended Wimkin From App Store: A Comparison


In recent times, Apple has suspended a social media app called Wimkin from its app store. The suspension has raised concerns about the moderation of content on social media platforms. This blog article aims to provide a comparison between Wimkin and other major social media platforms and give an opinion about the suspension.

Comparison Table

Platforms Features Content Moderation Suspension History
Facebook Newsfeed, Groups, Marketplace, Messenger, Watch Uses Artificial Intelligence and Real-time human moderators Has a history of suspending pages or accounts that violate community standards
Twitter Tweets, Retweets, Direct messages, Lists, Moments, Fleets Uses AI and Human moderators. Also, allows users to report tweets, accounts, and hashtags that violate policies Suspended former US President Donald Trump's account for repeated violations of policies
Instagram Photo and Video Posts, Instagram TV, Stories, Reels Uses AI tools to identify and remove harmful content. Also, relies on users to report content that violates community guidelines Suspends accounts that repeatedly violate community guidelines
Wimkin Newsfeed, Groups, Marketplace, Messaging No clear policy or information on content moderation Recently suspended from Apple App Store for promoting violence and hate speech


Wimkin is a social media platform that originated in response to the perceived censorship of conservative voices on other social media platforms. It has similar features to other established social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but with a focus on conservative users. Users can create profiles, follow other users, join groups, and post content. The platform also includes a marketplace and messaging feature.

Content Moderation

One of the major concerns about social media platforms is the moderation of content. With the spread of misinformation and hate speech becoming a prevalent issue, social media companies have taken steps to moderate their platforms. However, Wimkin does not have a clear policy on content moderation, which raises concerns about the spread of harmful content on the platform.

Suspension History

Apple recently suspended Wimkin from its app store due to the promotion of hate speech and violence. This suspension is not the first for social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have all suspended accounts or pages for violating community guidelines.


The suspension of Wimkin raises concerns about the moderation of content on social media platforms. While social media platforms have taken steps to address issues related to harmful content, Wimkin's lack of clear content moderation policies is alarming. Social media platforms have a responsibility to ensure that their platforms are free from hate speech and incitement to violence. Therefore, it is essential for Wimkin to take measures to address these issues if it wants to be part of the social media landscape. The suspension by Apple is a wakeup call for Wimkin, and hopefully, it will lead to better content moderation policies.


In conclusion, the suspension of Wimkin highlights the importance of content moderation on social media platforms. While other established platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have taken measures to address issues related to harmful content, Wimkin's lack of clear content moderation policies puts its users at risk. It is necessary to have well-defined guidelines and strong enforcement mechanisms to ensure that social media platforms are safe and accessible to everyone.

Understanding Why Apple Suspended Wimkin From Its App Store


Wimkin, a relatively new social media platform, became the subject of controversy when Apple suspended it from its App Store. While the app may still be downloadable on Android devices, anyone with an iPhone or iPad cannot download it anymore. This development has led to many asking questions about why it happened and what it means for the future of free speech online.

Background on Wimkin

Wimkin describes itself as a social media platform that promotes free speech and is dedicated to the First Amendment. The app initially went live in May 2020, and it has gained quite a following among members of the conservative movement. With the recent news, it is clear that Wimkin is making waves in the tech world - though not always in the way it desires.

The Reason for Apple's Suspension

So, why did Apple suspend Wimkin from its App Store? The reason had to do with their terms and conditions around hate speech and violent content. According to Apple, Wimkin allowed users to post content on the platform that promoted violence, hatred, and conspiracy theories. An Apple spokesperson said that the company would not tolerate any app that threatened an individual or group's safety. Given that Wimkin has been accused of promoting such things, it is understandable that Apple took action against the app.

The Significance of Apple's Action

Apple's suspension of Wimkin from the App Store has received mixed reactions, with some people praising the move while others condemning it. Some say that it is a victory against hate speech online, while others argue that it is an attack on free speech and democratic values. Regardless of your opinion, what is clear is that Apple's action will have a significant impact on Wimkin and other social media platforms that promote free speech.

What This Means for Social Media Platforms

Wimkin's suspension from the App Store is a warning to other social media platforms that allow the promotion of hate speech and violent content. Such platforms will likely face sanctions if they do not fix the problem. It is crucial for app developers to understand that tech companies have the power to eliminate their products from major app stores if they do not comply with their policies regarding hate speech.

What Wimkin Can Do

Wimkin has two options: to make changes to its platform or refuse to change and continue being unavailable on Apple devices. The company could make adjustments to its content standards to align with Apple's terms and conditions. An example of this would be developing policies around the promotion of violence and conspiracy theories. If the changes are approved, it may increase the chances of Wimkin being re-added to the App Store.

The Impact on Free Speech

The suspension has led to concerns about freedom of speech online. It is understandable why app developers believe that they should not be subject to censorship, but there are legitimate safety concerns associated with allowing hate speech to flourish. Ensuring that people can speak their minds online without fear of harassment or threats is essential. Apple's move against Wimkin should not be viewed as an attack against free speech but rather as a statement about the importance of safety online.

The Future of Social Media Platforms

The controversy surrounding Wimkin's suspension shows that social media companies must find a balance between free speech and safety. Apps that refuse to make necessary changes may lose their place in the market and face backlash from users. Those that can navigate safety concerns without sacrificing free speech are more likely to succeed.

The Importance of Policy

In conclusion, the suspension of Wimkin from the App Store has ramifications not only for the app but also for the broader social media industry. It emphasizes the need to have clear policies around the promotion of hate speech and violent content online in order to protect users. Both developers and tech companies must understand this in order to provide users with a safe, free, and democratic space online.

Final Thoughts

It is never easy to strike a balance between free speech and safety concerns. However, when people's safety is at stake, it is important to prioritize the latter. The suspension of Wimkin from the App Store is a testament to that. It is a reminder to all social media platforms that promoting violence, hatred, and conspiracy theories are unacceptable, and that there will be consequences for those who do not prioritize user safety.

Apple Suspends Wimkin From App Store: A Blow to Free Speech?

On Friday, November 20, Apple suspended the social media platform Wimkin from its App Store. This action followed months of controversy over Wimkin's laissez-faire approach to content moderation, which some users and critics alleged allowed the spread of hate speech and misinformation. In this post, we'll explore the ramifications of Apple's decision, examine Wimkin's response, and ask the question: Is this a blow to free speech?

First, let's look at the facts. Wimkin bills itself as a free speech social network that allows users to speak their minds without fear of censorship or deplatforming. Since launching earlier this year, the site has attracted a mixture of conservative, libertarian, and conspiracy-minded users who have been banned or restricted on other platforms like Facebook and Twitter for violating community standards. Wimkin's founder, Jason Sheppard, has defended the platform's stance on content moderation, arguing that users are responsible for filtering out objectionable content themselves.

However, this hands-off approach has led to several incidents where the platform has been accused of fostering hate speech, racism, and other forms of harmful speech. For example, in September, a Wimkin user posted a meme featuring an image of George Floyd with the caption BLM [Black Lives Matter] tried to take my ride but they couldn't handle my 12-gauge. The post, which many saw as glorifying violence against Black people, sparked outrage among civil rights groups and prompted calls for Wimkin to take action.

In response to pressure from critics, Sheppard said that Wimkin would prohibit content that incites violence or is explicitly racist. However, he also maintained that users should be able to express opinions that others might find offensive or controversial. We are unapologetically pro-free speech, he told Fox News in October. We're not going to be one of these Big Tech companies that dictates what you can and cannot say.

Despite these pledges, it appears that Wimkin's efforts to moderate harmful content were not enough for Apple. In a statement announcing the suspension, the company said that Wimkin had failed to comply with App Store guidelines related to user-generated content moderation. We have received numerous complaints about content posted in the Wimkin app, the statement read. After an investigation, we found that the app violated several guidelines and put users at risk of harm.

This move by Apple has been welcomed by some who see it as a necessary step to combat hate speech and disinformation online. The Anti-Defamation League, a civil rights group that tracks and fights against hate speech, called Wimkin a clear and present danger and praised Apple for taking decisive action. Other critics argued that Wimkin's rhetoric has been linked to incidents of far-right violence and that allowing the platform to continue unchecked posed a threat to public safety.

However, others have raised concerns that Apple's decision could set a dangerous precedent for free speech online. Writing in Reason magazine, Robby Soave argued that while Apple might be justified in curating its own app store...the idea of treating the platform as though it has a duty to prevent political expression deemed controversial or objectionable is chilling. Soave also questioned whether Apple was being consistent in its enforcement of content moderation policies, given that other apps like Parler, Gab, and Minds have similarly permissive policies.

As for Wimkin itself, the platform has vowed to fight back against the suspension and accused Apple of censorship. In a statement on its website, Wimkin wrote that Apple's decision to remove us was a nakedly politically motivated move to silence conservatives and Trump supporters who are increasingly using our platform to communicate. The platform also claimed that Apple had not provided specific examples of objectionable content and had not given Wimkin an opportunity to respond before suspending the app.

So where does this leave us? It's clear that the question of how to balance free speech and content moderation on social media platforms is an ongoing and complex one. While some applaud Apple's decision to suspend Wimkin, others warn of the dangers of allowing tech giants too much control over what people can say or think. Whatever your position on the issue, it's crucial that we continue to engage in thoughtful, informed discussions about the future of online speech. After all, the stakes are nothing less than the fate of our democracy.

If you would like to share your thoughts on this issue, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading.

People Also Ask About Apple Suspending Wimkin From App Store

What is Wimkin?

Wimkin is a social media platform that describes itself as a free speech social network.

Why did Apple suspend Wimkin from the App Store?

Apple cited concerns over violent content on Wimkin's platform as the reason for the suspension. It also stated that Wimkin failed to moderate and remove content that violates its guidelines.

Is Wimkin still available on other app stores?

Yes, Wimkin is still accessible through Google Play and its website as of this writing.

What actions has Wimkin taken in response to the suspension?

Wimkin CEO Jason Sheppard stated that the company is working on addressing the issues raised by Apple. He also criticized the suspension as an attack on free speech.

Will Wimkin be able to return to the App Store?

It is unclear at this time if Wimkin will be able to meet Apple's guidelines and return to the App Store. The company continues to work towards a resolution.

  • Overall, Apple suspended Wimkin from the App Store due to concerns over violent content and lack of moderation.
  • Wimkin remains available on other platforms including Google Play and its website.
  • The company's CEO is working towards resolving the issues raised by Apple, but it is uncertain if it will be able to return to the App Store.