Effortlessly Connect to Your Existing App with Heroku CLI: A Step-by-Step Guide


Heroku is a cloud platform that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud. It is a platform that provides everything an application needs to work, from support for different programming languages to automated processes that enable you to deploy your application code quickly and securely.

One of the most important aspects of Heroku is its command-line interface (CLI), which lets you interact with the platform from your local terminal. With the Heroku CLI, you can create, deploy, and manage applications with just a few commands.

If you have an existing application on Heroku, and you want to connect to it using the CLI, this article is for you. In this article, we will go over how to connect to an existing app with the Heroku CLI.

Why You Should Connect to Your Existing Heroku App Using the CLI

The Heroku web dashboard is a great tool for managing your applications, but it has some limitations when it comes to troubleshooting and debugging. The CLI gives you more control and visibility into your app's inner workings. By connecting to your existing app with the CLI, you can:

  • View your app's logs
  • Push updates to your app
  • Run one-off commands
  • Scale dynos

Additionally, the CLI gives you more flexibility when it comes to scripting and automating tasks related to your app.

How to Connect to an Existing App with the Heroku CLI

Connecting to an existing app with the Heroku CLI is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Login to your Heroku account by typing 'heroku login' and entering your credentials
  3. Type 'heroku git:remote -a appname' (replace 'appname' with the name of your app)
  4. You can now push changes to your app using the git command

That's it! You are now connected to your existing Heroku app using the CLI.

Other Useful Heroku CLI Commands

Here are some other useful Heroku CLI commands that you can use to interact with your app:

  • heroku logs – view your app's logs
  • heroku ps – view the state of your app's dynos
  • heroku scale web=1 – scale your app's web dynos to 1
  • heroku run rails console – run a one-off command (in this case, the Rails console)


The Heroku CLI is a powerful tool that gives you more control and visibility into your existing applications. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily connect to your existing Heroku app using the CLI. From there, you can use the CLI to take advantage of a range of features that can help you manage and debug your app.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with Heroku, the CLI is an essential tool that you should have in your arsenal. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you streamline your workflow?

Heroku is a cloud-based application platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and scale their applications with ease. The platform offers a wide range of features and benefits to developers, making it one of the most popular application deployment platforms. Heroku CLI is an essential tool for developers who want to manage their applications on the Heroku platform. It provides a command-line interface for interacting with Heroku services, and you can easily connect to an existing app using the Heroku CLI.

Why Heroku CLI?

Heroku CLI offers several benefits that make it an excellent tool for developers. With Heroku CLI, you can easily manage your Heroku applications from the command line interface. This feature saves time and makes it easy to deploy and manage your applications.Moreover, Heroku CLI allows you to access logs and data from your applications and helps you debug applications when errors occur. You can also manage add-ons, scale your applications, and run your tests using Heroku CLI.

How to Connect to Your Existing Heroku App Using Heroku CLI

To connect to an existing app using Heroku CLI, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Heroku CLI

Before you can use Heroku CLI, you need to install it on your computer. The installation instructions vary by operating system, and you can find them on the Heroku CLI official documentation. Once you have installed Heroku CLI, you need to authenticate it by running the `heroku login` command in your terminal.

Step 2: Clone the Git Repository

After authenticating Heroku CLI, navigate to the directory where you want to clone the Git repository. Then, clone the repository using the `git clone` command. Once you have cloned the Git repository, navigate to the directory where the cloned repository is located.

Step 3: Connect to Your Existing Heroku App

Now that you have cloned the repository, it's time to connect it to your existing Heroku app. To do this, run the `heroku git:remote -a ` command, where `app-name` is the name of your existing Heroku app.This command will add a remote to your Git repository and allow you to push code changes to your Heroku app.

Step 4: Deploy Your Code Changes

Once you have connected your Git repository to your Heroku app, it's time to deploy your code changes. To deploy your changes, use the `git push heroku master` command. This command will push your code changes to your Heroku app and automatically deploy them.After deploying your changes, you can use various Heroku CLI commands to manage your application, such as scaling your dynos or adding new add-ons.


Heroku CLI makes it easy to manage and deploy your applications on the Heroku platform. Connecting to an existing Heroku app using Heroku CLI is simple and straightforward. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily connect your Git repository to your Heroku app and deploy your changes quickly.

Comparison: Heroku CLI Connect to Existing App


For any software developer, Heroku is a lifesaver when it comes to deploying, scaling, and managing their applications. It’s a cloud platform that provides a ready-to-use environment for building scalable web applications.In this article, we’ll be comparing two methods of connecting to an existing Heroku app using the command line interface (CLI) - connecting by using the `heroku git:clone` command and connecting through `git remote add heroku`.

Method 1: Connecting with `heroku git:clone` command

Using the `heroku git:clone` command is one of the easiest ways to connect to an existing Heroku app. This method involves creating a copy of the app’s source code on your local machine.The `heroku git:clone` command fetches all the source code from the Heroku remote repository and creates a local copy in your computer’s file system.Here’s how it’s done:```$ heroku git:clone -a app-name```This command clones the app repository and its dependencies onto your local machine. Now you can make changes to the app and push them to the Heroku remote repository.

Advantages of using `heroku git:clone`

- One of the advantages of using `heroku git:clone` is that it’s very straightforward and easy to use.- You can also edit the files offline and commit changes without worrying about breaking the Heroku deployment.

Disadvantages of using `heroku git:clone`

- The disadvantage is that, although you can make changes locally, they will not be visible until you push those changes to the Heroku remote repository.- Manual updates are required every time new changes are made in the Heroku app.

Method 2: Connecting through `git remote add heroku`

`git remote add heroku` is another way to connect to an existing Heroku app using the Git version control system. It involves adding a Git remote repository that points to your app's Heroku deployment.Here’s how it’s done:```$ heroku git:remote -a app-name```This command adds a Git remote named `heroku` to the app, pointing to the Heroku app’s Git repository. You can now use Git commands to update the Heroku app.

Advantages of using `git remote add heroku`

- The advantage of using `git remote add heroku` is that it connects your existing local Git repository to your Heroku app’s remote repository.- This method saves you from cloning the entire repo and wasting time and resources.

Disadvantages of using `git remote add heroku`

- The disadvantage is that once you add the `heroku` remote, you need to remember to push changes to that remote.- There is also the risk of pushing accidental changes by mistake.

Comparison table

To summarize the comparison between the two methods, refer to the table below:| Feature | `heroku git:clone` | `git remote add heroku` ||-------------------|------------------------------|------------------------------||Ease of use |Easy |Moderate ||Offline editing |Yes |No ||Committing changes |Manual |Automatic ||Risk of errors |Low |Moderate |


Ultimately, choosing between `heroku git:clone` and `git remote add heroku` depends on your preferences, knowledge of Git, and individual project specifications.Whether you choose to clone the app’s source code locally or connect through Git remote, both methods are effective and provide seamless integration with Heroku.As an AI language model, my opinions are not biased and do not reflect my personal preferences. However, as a language model trained on vast amounts of data from various sources, I can confidently conclude that both methods have their pros and cons and it’s up to developers to choose the most appropriate method for their specific needs.

Heroku CLI: Connect to Existing App


Heroku is a platform that allows developers to deploy, manage and scale web applications. It provides a cloud-based tool for deploying applications, which makes it easier for developers to deploy and manage web applications. In this article, we will discuss how you can connect to your existing Heroku app using the Heroku CLI.

Step 1: Install Heroku CLI

The first step is to install the Heroku CLI on your machine. You can download and install it from the official Heroku website. Once you have installed the Heroku CLI, you can verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal:

heroku --version

Step 2: Log in to Heroku

Before you can connect to your existing app, you must log in to Heroku. Run the following command in your terminal and follow the instructions to log in:

heroku login -i

Step 3: List Your Apps

After logging in to your Heroku account, you can list all the apps that you are currently managing using the Heroku CLI. To do this, run the following command:

heroku apps

Step 4: Connect to Your App

Once you have located the app you want to connect to, you can connect to it using the following command:

heroku git:remote -a APP_NAME

Replace APP_NAME with the name of your Heroku app. This command will add your app as a Git remote in your local repository.

Step 5: Push Changes to Heroku

Now that you have connected to your Heroku app, you can push changes from your local repository to the Heroku remote. To do this, simply run the following command:

git push heroku master

This will push all changes in your local repository to your Heroku app.

Step 6: Check App Status

Once you have pushed your changes to Heroku, you can check the status of your app using the following command:

heroku ps

This will show you a list of all the active dynos (instances) of your app.

Step 7: View App Logs

If you want to view the logs of your app, you can do so using the following command:

heroku logs --tail

This will show you the live logs of your app.

Step 8: Scale Your App

If you want to scale your app, you can do so using the Heroku CLI. To scale your app, run the following command:

heroku ps:scale WEB=NUM_DYNOS

Replace NUM_DYNOS with the number of dynos you want to run. This will scale your app to the specified number of dynos.

Step 9: Access Your App

To access your Heroku app, open a web browser and navigate to your app's URL. If you don't know your app's URL, you can find it by running the following command:

heroku open


Connecting to an existing Heroku app using the Heroku CLI is a simple process. By following these steps, you can easily connect to your app and manage it using the Heroku CLI. With the Heroku platform, deploying, managing and scaling web applications becomes a breeze. So, go ahead and try out the Heroku CLI for managing your applications with ease.

Connect to Existing App Using Heroku CLI

You may have developed an application and deployed it on Heroku. You may also want to connect to the existing app using the Heroku CLI to perform some operations such as scaling or checking logs. This tutorial will guide you on how to do just that.

The first thing you need is to ensure that you have installed the Heroku CLI on your system. If you haven't, visit the Heroku website and download and install it for your operating system.

Once you have installed the Heroku CLI, it's time to authenticate. Open your terminal or command prompt and log in to your Heroku account by typing in the following command.

$ heroku login

You will be prompted to enter your email and password. Once you have entered the correct credentials, you will be logged in to your account.

Next, navigate to the directory where you have the app code using the cd command. Once you are inside the app's directory, enter the following command:

$ heroku git:remote -a app-name

Replace app-name with the name of your Heroku app that you want to connect to.

This command creates a Git remote, which allows you to push your local changes to the app's repository on Heroku. It also sets up Heroku-specific remote tracking branches.

You can now check if the remote was added successfully by running the following command:

$ git remote -v

You should see the following output:

heroku https://git.heroku.com/app-name.git (fetch)heroku https://git.heroku.com/app-name.git (push)

If you see this output, it means you have successfully connected to your Heroku app's repository using Git.

Now that you have connected your local Git repository to your Heroku app's Git repository, you can perform various operations such as pushing changes or scaling the app. To push your local changes to the Heroku app's repository, run the following command:

$ git push heroku master

This command pushes the master branch of your local repository to the heroku remote, which is your Heroku app's repository. The changes should be available on your app within a few minutes.

You can also scale your app using the Heroku CLI by running the following command:

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Replace web with the name of your app's process. This command scales the number of web dynos to 1, which means you will have one instance of your app running. You can replace the number with any number you wish to have.

You can check the logs of your Heroku app using the following command:

$ heroku logs --tail

This command shows the real-time logs of your Heroku app. You can use the --app flag followed by the name of your app to specify which app's logs you want to view.

In conclusion, connecting to an existing Heroku app using the Heroku CLI is an easy and straightforward process. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily connect to your app's repository using Git and perform various operations such as pushing changes or scaling the app. The Heroku CLI is a powerful tool for developers who want to manage their Heroku apps from the command line.

Thank you for reading this tutorial.

People Also Ask about Heroku CLI Connect to Existing App

What is Heroku CLI?

Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that enables developers to manage and deploy code, applications, and services directly from the command line. It allows them to perform all the necessary tasks for building and managing Heroku apps without using the Heroku Dashboard.

How do I connect to an existing app with Heroku CLI?

To connect to an existing app with Heroku CLI, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the terminal or Command Prompt on your computer.
  2. Log in to Heroku using your Heroku account credentials by typing heroku login and pressing Enter.
  3. Navigate to the root directory of your local project folder.
  4. Type heroku git:remote -a and press Enter, where is the name of your existing app on Heroku.
  5. You can now use Heroku CLI to manage and deploy your app on Heroku.

Can I deploy my app to Heroku using Heroku CLI?

Yes, you can deploy your app to Heroku using Heroku CLI. To do this, you need to follow the same process as connecting to an existing app with Heroku CLI. Once you have connected to your app, you can run the command git push heroku master to deploy your app to Heroku. This command will push your code to the Heroku remote repository and trigger a deployment to your app.

What other tasks can I perform with Heroku CLI?

With Heroku CLI, you can perform a wide range of tasks essential for managing and deploying apps to Heroku. These include:

  • Creating new Heroku apps from the command line
  • Managing add-ons such as databases, log management tools, and third-party services
  • Viewing app logs and troubleshooting issues
  • Scaling your app’s dynos and workers
  • Running one-off processes and executing custom commands on your app
  • Setting environment variables and configuration for your app