Fosspatents' Horacio Gutierrez breaks down App Fairness in latest analysis


Have you ever felt like the app store is unfair to developers? Are you tired of feeling like your hard work and innovative ideas are being taken advantage of by app store giants?

If so, you're not alone. In fact, Horacio Gutierrez, the former Microsoft executive and current CEO of Fosspatents, is speaking out against what he calls App Store Fairness.

Gutierrez believes that companies like Apple and Google have too much control over the app store ecosystem. He argues that they use their power to stifle competition and unfairly charge developers excessive fees.

These fees, Gutierrez says, ultimately hurt innovation and limit consumer choice. And he's not wrong. According to a recent study, app store fees cost developers an estimated $50 billion in revenue each year.

But Gutierrez isn't just complaining about the issue. He's actually taking action. Fosspatents recently launched an App Fairness website, which serves as a platform for developers to share their stories and advocate for change.

The website includes a list of proposed reforms to the app store ecosystem, such as increased transparency and more equitable revenue sharing. And while this is a great first step, it's clear that more action is needed to truly level the playing field for developers.

So why should you care about App Store Fairness?

For starters, it affects everyone who uses apps. When developers are stifled or driven out of business by unfair practices, consumers lose out on potential innovations and choices.

And on a broader level, the issue is indicative of a larger problem in the tech industry – one where big companies hold all the power and use it to control smaller players.

But don't despair. There are steps you can take to support App Store Fairness and help promote a more equitable app store ecosystem.

First and foremost, make your voice heard. Visit the Fosspatents App Fairness website and share your story. Encourage others to do the same and help build a groundswell of support for change.

You can also choose to support indie developers directly. Seek out and download apps from smaller companies, and leave positive reviews to help boost their visibility.

And finally, keep an eye on the issue and stay informed. Stay in the loop with news and updates from organizations like Fosspatents, and be ready to take action when needed.

In conclusion, App Store Fairness is a crucial issue that impacts us all. By supporting independent developers and advocating for change, we can help create a more level playing field for everyone involved.

So let's get to work and make App Store Fairness a reality.

Fosspatents Blog Reveals Horacio Gutiérrez’s Stand on App Fairness

Horacio Gutiérrez, Spotify's former General Counsel, and current Head of Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer at Microsoft is the man of the hour. After his LinkedIn post calling attention to Apple’s App Store policies, the legal tech community is abuzz with discussions on the future of app development and distribution.

The App Store Tug-of-War

Apple takes a lot of heat for its policies which, while they aim to protect user privacy and security, also force developers to comply with a limited and strictly controlled ecosystem. The technology giant’s commission of at least 15% of all in-app purchases didn’t help quiet the debate.

Gutiérrez, who recently penned a blog at Fosspatents discussed how Microsoft manages a kind of balance with regards to their app distribution for devices like Surface Duo. In contrast, fair competition and richer innovation opportunities have come up as some reasons why many are pushing for a revamped app store ecosystem from firms such as Apple and Google.

Horacio Gutiérrez's Strong Stand

In his blog post, Gutiérrez called for stronger regulation of digital marketplaces to ensure that one big player’s control does not become a stranglehold on competition. To improve competition, he also calls for the solutions that the EU suggested earlier this year, such as making powerful players give equal footing to smaller rivals.

Gutierrez wants to put an end to platform monopolies or the creation of unnecessary friction in the app development ecosystem. In his view, healthy competition can drive better innovation, less restrictive policies, and a more efficient marketplace ecosystem for everyone involved.

Giving Power to Developers

Gutiérrez's deeply entrenched stance on app fairness and how it can be achieved is also detailed in his recent chat with Protocol. He’s calling for fair rules that give developers access to their users without having to offer a commission on in-app purchases. Nor should they be forced to make use of system integrations such as Apple Pay, he says.

He believes in lifting developers’ barriers and creating an open and free market, which will ultimately benefit users, businesses, and platforms alike. He hopes that smaller developers like those at Epic Games can stop worrying about facing seemingly insurmountable competition and concentrate on making exciting and innovative products.

The Industry Reaction

Horacio Gutiérrez is a welcome addition to this debate, and industry experts have started to chime in on the relief it brings. For example, renowned Twitter personality Ben Thompson of Stratechery said directly that “This is a big deal,” in response to Horacio’s stand on App Fairness.

Additionally, entrepreneurs who specialize in building apps were happy to share the spotlight with Gutiérrez and his well-articulated point of view. Such voices in the legal tech community believe that, if given proper regulation, innovation would soar, businesses will thrive and customers will gain access to more creative and intuitive digital experiences.

The Future of Apple

Gutiérrez’s latest posts have undoubtedly put the spotlight on music streaming service Spotify. However, it pays to consider the repercussions of these developments on Apple and its impact on how app stores operate. The world of app development is left wondering if Apple will keep its policies as rigid as they have been or whether they’ll be forced to change them in order to remain on top of the game.

Luckily for now, both Apple and Google launched programs last year aimed at helping smaller enterprises with their app promotion and distribution struggles. Whether these efforts satisfy concerns about App Store policies is yet to be seen.

The Final Word

The Fosspatents blog has been around for years providing industry insights, updates, and perspectives on tech disputes. Gutiérrez’s recent entry has only added to its credibility as a source of thought-provoking legal tech articles.

With such articles as this one on app fairness rapidly going viral, it seems that Fosspatents will continue to be relevant in the legal tech world well into the future. One can only hope that industry titans will listen to voices such as Horacio Gutiérrez and adjust their policies accordingly - for the improvement of the industry and all those who are a part of it.

Comparison between Fosspatents and App Fairness

The Parties Involved: Fosspatents vs. App Fairness

Fosspatents is a widely-known blog managed by German patent consultant and software developer Florian Mueller. It covers topics related to intellectual property rights, particularly patents, and their impact on technology and business. The blog has been active since 2005 and is respected in the tech community for its expertise and insights.

On the other hand, App Fairness is a coalition of app developers and companies that advocates for fair competition in the app marketplace. The group was formed in 2020 amid growing concerns about app store practices, particularly those of Apple and Google. App Fairness seeks to address issues such as app store fees, app review guidelines, and access to user data.

The Focus of the Debates: Patents vs. App Store Practices

One of the main differences between Fosspatents and App Fairness is the focus of their debates. Fosspatents primarily deals with patent-related issues, such as patent lawsuits, patent licensing, and patent infringement. The blog also covers other legal and regulatory matters affecting the tech industry, such as antitrust investigations and data privacy regulations.

App Fairness, on the other hand, centers its efforts on app store practices. The group aims to promote fairness, transparency, and choice in the app marketplace, particularly in relation to app store fees and rules. App Fairness believes that Apple and Google exercise too much power and control over app developers and users, and that there should be more competition and alternative app stores.

The Controversies: Oracle vs. Apple

Both Fosspatents and App Fairness have been involved in controversial issues and legal battles. Fosspatents gained prominence in the early 2010s for its coverage of the patent war between Oracle and Google over Android. Mueller was an outspoken critic of Google's use of Java APIs, which Oracle claimed were protected by copyright. Mueller argued that Google was infringing on Oracle's patents and that the case had significant implications for software development and innovation.

Similarly, App Fairness has been in the news for its opposition to Apple's app store fees and policies. The group has criticized Apple for taking a 30% commission on in-app purchases and subscriptions and for imposing strict app review guidelines. App Fairness argues that these practices stifle competition and innovation and hurt small developers.

The Stances on Antitrust Issues: Pro-Competition vs. Pro-Innovation

Fosspatents and App Fairness share a common concern about antitrust issues in the tech industry. They both support the idea that competition is essential for innovation and consumer welfare. However, they differ in their approaches to antitrust enforcement.

Fosspatents tends to take a more traditional pro-competition stance, advocating for stronger antitrust laws and regulatory intervention. Mueller has been critical of big tech companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, and has called for greater scrutiny of their business practices.

App Fairness, on the other hand, focuses more on pro-innovation policies that empower app developers and users. The group advocates for changes to app store rules that would benefit small developers and allow for more competition. App Fairness believes that innovation should be driven by the market, not regulators.

The Opinions on the Apple-Epic Case: Divergent Views

The ongoing legal battle between Apple and Epic Games over app store fees and policies has generated a lot of debate in the tech community. Fosspatents and App Fairness have expressed different views on the case.

Florian Mueller has been critical of Epic's tactics, arguing that the game developer is trying to bypass Apple's rules and create a monopoly of its own. Mueller believes that Apple's app store fees and review guidelines are necessary for maintaining the quality and security of the platform.

App Fairness, on the other hand, has been supportive of Epic's challenge to Apple's rules. The group has called for Apple to reduce its app store commission and allow alternative app stores to operate on the iPhone. App Fairness believes that consumers and developers should have more choice and freedom in the app marketplace.

The Table Comparison

Fosspatents App Fairness
Focus Patents and legal issues; App store practices and policies;
Controversies Oracle vs. Google; Apple vs. app developers;
Antitrust stance Pro-competition; Pro-innovation;
Apple-Epic case Critical of Epic; Supportive of Epic;

The Conclusion: Different Perspectives, Shared Goals

Fosspatents and App Fairness represent different perspectives within the tech community, but they share some common goals. Both groups seek to promote fair competition, innovation, and consumer welfare. They also recognize the importance of legal and regulatory frameworks that support these values.

While Fosspatents focuses more on the traditional patent system and antitrust laws, App Fairness is more concerned with app store practices and policies. However, both groups have been involved in controversial issues and legal battles that highlight the complex challenges facing the tech industry today.

Ultimately, the debates over patents, app stores, and antitrust issues reflect a broader question about the future of innovation and society. As technology continues to shape our lives and economy, we need to ensure that it serves the needs and interests of all stakeholders, not just a few dominant players.

Fosspatents App Fairness: Protecting Consumers and Developers with Horacio Gutierrez


In today's world, we rely heavily on our mobile applications for various tasks. From shopping to communicating, listening to music or watching videos, apps play a pivotal role in our daily lives, and we expect them to be reliable, secure, and fair. App stores such as Apple and Google Play are responsible for providing users with access to millions of applications, but what happens when these stores breach their responsibilities to users and developers? This is where Fosspatents App Fairness comes in, an initiative launched by Horacio Gutierrez, Head of Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer at Spotify. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed overview of Fosspatents App Fairness and explain how it aids in protecting consumers and developers.

What is Fosspatents App Fairness?

Fosspatents App Fairness is an initiative aiming to create a level playing field for developers and protect consumers' interests. The aim of the initiative is to bring transparency and accountability to the app store industry, which has been frequently criticized for its opaque policies and anticompetitive practices. It advocates for fair treatment of developers and consumers alike, ensuring that all parties are treated equally and that monopolization does not occur.

Why is Fairness Important?

The tech industry has become increasingly concentrated over the years, with a handful of companies dominating the market. This concentration gives these companies great power and influence over developers, leading to uneven playing fields and limiting competitors' growth. App store owners have frequently been accused of favoring their own apps, charging excessive fees, and imposing arbitrary rules on developers, suppressing innovative ideas. This can lead to poorer experiences for consumers and ultimately stunt innovation in the industry.

What Principles Does Fosspatents App Fairness Advocate?

Fosspatents argues that fair competition and transparency are necessary to ensure that consumers have access to high-quality and innovative products. The initiative advocates for the following principles:

Equal treatment of all apps

Regardless of size, all applications should have equal access to users and revenue-generating opportunities in app stores. No application should be privileged based on its owner or other factors.

Reasonable fees

App store fees should be reasonable and commensurate with the level of services provided by the store. Developers should not be charged exorbitant fees for access to users, sales, or other benefits.


The rules governing app stores should be transparent, accessible to developers, and applied consistently across all apps. The application review process should also be clear and standardized so that developers can quickly adapt to the necessary guidelines.

No monopolistic practices

App stores should not monopolize innovative offerings in the market or use their power to restrict competition. All developers should have equal opportunities to succeed, regardless of financial status or experience.

How Will This Initiative Benefit Consumers?

Fosspatents App Fairness aims to benefit consumers by creating a more competitive and innovative environment in the app store industry. With fair practices in place, consumers will have access to more high-quality applications, a larger variety of choices, and more affordable options. Additionally, it may help weed out fake or fraudulent applications, thereby increasing the trust factor among consumers.

How Will This Initiative Benefit Developers?

By promoting fair competition and equal treatment for all developers, Fosspatents App Fairness aims to create new opportunities for smaller players and diminish the influence of larger tech companies. Developers will have a chance to succeed based on the quality of their ideas, product development, and user experience. The initiative may also provide greater revenue opportunities for developers, thereby boosting the growth of the app industry as a whole.


In conclusion, Fosspatents App Fairness is a critical step forward to ensure that all parties involved in the app store industry are treated fairly. This initiative promotes transparency, accountability, and fair competition, which will lead to greater innovation and more choices for consumers. It also gives smaller developers a fighting chance to succeed while preventing the onset of monopolistic practices. As consumers, we should support the movement towards Fosspatents App Fairness to ensure that we have access to better quality products and help promote innovation within the technology industry.

Fosspatents’ Horacio Gutierrez Advocates for App Fairness

As technology continues to evolve, the battle between app developers and big tech companies over in-app payment systems has become a major issue. Many developers believe that these payment systems are monopolistic and unfair, arguing that they lead to higher prices for consumers and limit innovation.

Horacio Gutierrez, the chief legal officer for Spotify and founder of Fosspatents, is one such advocate for “App Fairness.” As he recently discussed on his blog, Gutierrez believes that increased government regulation is necessary to protect the rights of app developers and ensure fair competition in the market.

Gutierrez has long been a vocal proponent of consumer choice and fair competition. During his tenure at Microsoft, he was instrumental in securing anti-trust agreements with various governments around the world. Similarly, in his current role at Spotify, he has been a leading voice in the fight against Apple’s allegedly monopolistic App Store policies.

In his blog post titled “The Courage to Change the Things We Can: A Call for App Fairness,” Gutierrez argues that the time has come for app developers to band together and demand change from both industry leaders and government regulators. He cites several recent examples of successful lobbying efforts by advocacy groups like the Coalition for App Fairness and the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), which seeks to regulate online platform giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

Gutierrez believes that government regulation is particularly important in cases where there is a clear imbalance of power between tech giants and smaller developers. For example, Apple and Google currently control almost 100% of the mobile app distribution market, leaving developers with little choice but to comply with their policies if they want their apps to reach consumers. This power dynamic allows Apple and Google to set the terms of in-app purchases, taking a 30% cut of all revenue generated.

Many developers argue that Apple’s payment system is disingenuous and purposely designed to limit innovation and competition. For example, Apple does not allow app developers to redirect users to an external payment system. This means that companies like Spotify and Netflix are forced to pay the 30% fee just to stay in the App Store, even though they offer the option to subscribe directly through their websites at a lower price. Similarly, companies that offer physical goods or services, like Uber and Airbnb, are also compelled to use Apple’s payment system, even though it doesn’t make sense for their business models.

Gutierrez believes that government regulators should step in and force Apple to change its policies to better serve the interests of consumers and developers. He also advocates for increased transparency from both Apple and Google about the nature of their in-app payment systems, so that developers can make informed decisions about how to monetize their apps.

Ultimately, Gutierrez believes that the fight for App Fairness is a crucial one for the future of the tech industry. By promoting greater competition and consumer choice, he argues, we can ensure that small businesses and startups have a fair shot at success in the marketplace.

As visitors to Fosspatents’ website, we encourage you to engage with the ongoing conversation about App Fairness and the regulation of big tech companies. Follow Gutierrez on social media and keep up-to-date on industry news to stay informed about this important topic.

Together, we can work towards a more equitable future for the tech industry and the consumers and developers who depend on it.

People Also Ask About Foss Patents App Fairness Horacio Gutierrez The

What is Foss Patents?

Foss Patents is a blog that provides legal analysis and news on intellectual property (IP) issues, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and antitrust laws. The blog was founded in 2005 by Florian Mueller, an independent consultant and expert on IP issues.

What is App Fairness?

App Fairness is a campaign initiated by Epic Games, the developer of the game Fortnite, to challenge the policies and business practices of app stores, particularly Apple's App Store and Google Play. The campaign seeks to promote fair competition, consumer choice, and innovation in the mobile app ecosystem.

Who is Horacio Gutierrez?

Horacio Gutierrez is the head of global affairs and chief legal officer at Spotify, a music streaming service. He was previously the general counsel and corporate vice president at Microsoft, where he led the company's legal and regulatory affairs worldwide. Gutierrez has been a vocal advocate for app store reform and app fairness.

What is the connection between Foss Patents and App Fairness?

Foss Patents has been covering the legal and policy aspects of the app fairness movement, including the lawsuits and regulatory initiatives against Apple's App Store. Florian Mueller, the founder of Foss Patents, has also been a supporter of app fairness and has provided legal analysis on the issues raised by the campaign. Horacio Gutierrez, as a leading voice in the app fairness movement, has also been featured in Foss Patents articles and interviews.

Why is App Fairness important?

App Fairness is important because app stores, particularly Apple's App Store, have been criticized for their high fees, strict rules, and lack of competition. These practices have been perceived as anti-competitive and unfair to developers and consumers, who are forced to pay higher prices or use inferior products. App Fairness seeks to level the playing field and promote innovation, consumer choice, and fair competition in the mobile app market.

What are the potential outcomes of the app fairness movement?

The app fairness movement could lead to significant changes in the app store ecosystem, including lower fees, more flexible rules, and increased competition. The outcome could also have legal and regulatory implications for app stores, as lawsuits and investigations are underway against Apple and Google. The movement could also result in new business models or technologies that disrupt the dominance of the existing app store platforms.

How can I support the app fairness movement?

You can support the app fairness movement by educating yourself on the issues, sharing information with others, and advocating for change. You can also participate in the campaigns and petitions organized by app fairness supporters, such as #FreeFortnite, #AppStoreTax, and #OpenTheAppStore. Additionally, you can support alternative app stores or platforms that promote fair competition and innovation.