How To Effortlessly Use Helium App on Mac: Discover the Top Tips and Tricks!


Are you tired of cluttered desktops on your Mac? Do you struggle to find the files you need? Well, look no further, because Helium app is here to solve all your desktop clutter woes.

Helium app is a lightweight floating browser for Mac that keeps your desktop organized and tidy. But how do you use it?

First things first, download the Helium app from the App Store and install it on your Mac. Once installed, open the app and you'll see a floating browser window on your screen.

One of the best features of Helium app is the ability to resize the browser window. You can easily adjust the size by dragging the bottom right corner of the window to make it larger or smaller. This makes it perfect for multitasking and working on multiple projects simultaneously.

But what about its browsing capabilities? Don't worry, Helium app has you covered. You can easily browse the internet by typing in the address bar as you would with any other browser.

But Helium app isn't just limited to web browsing. You can use it to watch videos, play games, and even take notes while you work on other projects. Helium app's window stays on top of every other window, making it easy to switch between applications.

One of the biggest benefits of Helium app is that it helps declutter your desktop. Instead of having multiple windows open at once, Helium app provides a streamlined browsing experience all in one window.

Need to access your files quickly? Helium app also offers drag-and-drop functionality, so you can easily drag files from your desktop into the browser window to view them.

But what about customizations? Helium app offers several options to personalize your browsing experience. You can change the background color, add your favorite bookmarks, and even set a homepage for quick access to your most used sites.

Helium app is also great for multitasking. You can open multiple browser windows and easily switch between them with just a click of a button.

In conclusion, Helium app is a powerful and versatile tool for Mac users. It helps keep your desktop tidy and organized, enhances multitasking, and provides a streamlined browsing experience all in one window. So why not give it a try and see how it can improve your workflow?

If you're a Mac user, there's a good chance you're always on the lookout for new and more efficient ways to organize your data. After all, keeping everything in order can be a daunting task when you have to juggle so many different files and folders at once.

One of the tools that can help you with this task is the Helium app. This application provides an easy and customizable way to keep your favorite websites and apps at your fingertips, using floating windows that hover above other windows on your desktop.

Getting Started with Helium

The first step to using Helium on your Mac is to download it from the App Store. After you've installed the app on your machine, you can launch it by clicking on the Helium icon in your Applications folder.

Once Helium is up and running, you'll see a small menu bar icon where you can access the settings menu, as well as create and manage your floating windows.

Creating a Floating Window with Helium

To create a new floating window with Helium, simply click on the + icon in the app's main interface. This will open a small window where you can enter the URL of the website or app you want to use.

You can also adjust the size and position of the window using the sliders provided, as well as set custom keyboard shortcuts to open and close the window as needed.

Customizing Your Helium Window

Once you've created your first floating window in Helium, you can start customizing it to better suit your workflow.

Some of the customization options available in Helium include:

  • Adjusting the opacity of your window
  • Choosing a custom frame or border to surround your window
  • Toggling fullscreen mode to use the entire screen for your window
  • Enabling Chromeless mode to remove the address bar and other elements from your window

You can also create multiple floating windows with Helium and organize them by using different colors or themes. This can be especially useful if you want to keep certain types of websites or apps separate from others.

Using Helium with Split View Mode

If you often work with multiple windows open on your Mac at once, you may find it useful to use Helium in conjunction with Split View mode.

To use Split View mode with Helium, simply click and hold on the green full-screen button in the upper left-hand corner of your window. Then, drag the window to the side of the screen where you want it to appear.

You can then open another app or window on the opposite side of the screen and use Helium alongside it.

Conclusion: Streamline Your Workflow with Helium for Mac

Whether you're an avid multitasker or simply want a more efficient way to browse the web and use your favorite apps, Helium is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your workflow and stay organized.

Try it out for yourself, and see how much easier and more enjoyable your Mac experience can be!

Comparison of using Helium app on Mac


As a Mac user, you might have encountered situations where you want to keep a certain application on top of all your other windows while performing other tasks. The Helium app for Mac allows you to do this effortlessly, providing an overlaying window that floats above everything else on your screen. In this comparison article, we will be looking at how to use the Helium app on Mac and how it compares with other similar applications.

How to use Helium app Mac

Using the Helium app on your Mac is easy and straightforward. Once you download and install the application, open it, and you'll be presented with a clean and sleek interface. To get started, follow these simple steps:1. Launch the app and drag and drop the URL or file of the website or platform you want to overlay on the screen.2. Click on the Float button in the options bar, and the website or app will appear as an overlaying window on your desktop.3. You can then adjust the size and opacity of the floating window as per your preference.4. To switch between different screens without having to close and reopen, you can use the forward and backward buttons, which are situated on the options bar.

Comparison with other similar applications

Helium is not the only application that allows for floating windows. Here's how Helium compares with other popular alternatives:

Fluid Browser

Fluid browser works similarly to the Helium app but provides more features like bookmarking and history management within the same app. Additionally, Fluid Browser also supports Keyboard shortcuts for swift navigation.

Keep On Top

Keep On Top is a lightweight application that is used to keep windows on top of other running apps. However, it does not provide the overlaying floating feature provided by Helium and Fluid Browser.


OnTop is another popular app that allows you to keep a window on top of your screen. However, it only supports specific windows and does not offer the floating feature provided by Helium and Fluid Browser.

Opinion on Helium App Mac

Based on our testing, we found the Helium app to be an easy-to-use, lightweight, and reliable application that offers an excellent experience for users who need their windows to float. It competes closely with Fluid Browser, which is also an excellent application but offers more features essential for routine web browsing.


Overall, keeping a window on top of others can significantly enhance your productivity as a Mac user. With the Helium app, you get an efficient, sleek, and user-friendly application that makes it easier to keep your window always at the forefront of all other windows. We hope this comparison was helpful in guiding you in finding the best solution for your needs.

How To Use Helium App Mac: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Helium is a floating browser window that allows you to keep your browsing experience on top while working on other tasks. This app has become increasingly popular among Mac users for multiple reasons. First, it provides a distraction-free browsing experience, ensuring that you remain focused on your work. Second, it supports multiple tabs, bookmarks, and customizations, making it an ideal tool for multi-tasking.However, if you are new to the Helium app, it could be daunting to navigate around its interface. Luckily, we've got you covered with this tutorial. In this article, we'll walk you through how to use Helium app Mac in ten easy-to-follow steps.

Step One: Download and Install Helium App Mac

The first step is to download and install the Helium app from its official website or the Mac App Store. Once downloaded, you can launch the app from your Applications folder. Alternatively, you can add it to your macOS Dock for easy access.

Step Two: Open the Application

After installing the app, open it by clicking on its icon. A white browser window will appear. You can either type in a web address or search term in the address bar, or you can click on the three horizontal lines on the upper left corner of the browser window to open its menu.

Step Three: Customization Options

The Helium app provides numerous customization options to personalize your browsing experience. For example, you can adjust the opacity and transparency of the browser window.Moreover, you can enable or disable auto-hide, which automatically hides the browser window when you are not actively browsing. To configure these settings, click on the Window tab in the browser's menu and select Settings.

Step Four: Multi-Tasking with Tabs

One of the most significant advantages of the Helium app is its multi-tab support. You can open multiple tabs by clicking on the + icon on the top left corner of the browser window.To switch between tabs, you can either use the navigation buttons on the upper right corner, or you can use the default keyboard shortcut Cmd+Alt+Arrow Key to move left or right.

Step Five: Full Screen Mode

If you want to have a full-screen browsing experience, you can click on the green + icon on the right side of the address bar. This will instantly transform the browser window into full-screen mode.To exit full-screen mode, either press the green + icon or use the keyboard shortcut Esc.

Step Six: Keyboard Shortcuts

The Helium app provides various keyboard shortcuts that can help navigate and control the interface. Some widely used keyboard shortcuts include Cmd+N for opening a new tab, Cmd+W for closing a tab, Cmd+L for highlighting the address bar, and Ctrl+D for bookmarking a website.You can access a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts by going to the Help tab in the menu and selecting Keyboard Shortcuts.

Step Seven: Bookmarks and History

The Helium app allows you to add bookmarks and view your browsing history. To access your bookmarks, click on the Lego block icon on the top left of the window. You can add a bookmark by clicking on the star icon next to the website's URL.To view your browsing history, click on the clock icon on the top right corner of the browser window. This will show you a list of all websites you recently visited.

Step Eight: Snapping Feature

Another feature of the Helium app that makes it stand out is the snapping feature. This feature allows you to snap the browser window to the side of the screen, making it the perfect tool for multi-tasking.To snap the browser window, drag it to the left or right edge of the screen until you see a blue line. Once you release the mouse click, the browser window will snap to the screen's edge.

Step Nine: Navigation Controls

The Helium app provides various navigation controls that make it easier to maneuver through the browser. For instance, you can go back or forward a page by clicking on the arrows on the top left corner of the window.You can also refresh the page by clicking on the circular arrow next to the address bar. If you want to stop a loading page, click on the X icon next to the refresh button.

Step Ten: Search and URL Suggestions

Finally, the Helium app features search and URL suggestions. When typing in the address bar, the app will suggest relevant URLs and searches based on your browsing history. This feature saves time when searching for websites or specific terms.


With these tips and tricks, you can now use the Helium app Mac with ease. Whether you need to multi-task, adjust its settings, or navigate through the interface, the Helium app provides numerous tools to make browsing easier, faster, and distraction-free.

How To Use Helium App Mac

Are you looking for a way to keep your browser window always on top on your Mac? You might want to use the Helium app! Helium is a simple and effective tool that allows you to display web pages in an overlay window that stays on top of all other windows. In this article, we will outline how to use the Helium app on your Mac.

Installation & Setup

Helium is available for free from the Apple App Store. Once you have downloaded and installed the app, open it up. You'll be presented with a minimalistic application and an input field labelled URL.

To use Helium, all you need to do is enter the URL of the website you'd like to view on top of other applications. This can be done through Google, Safari, or any other search engine. Copy the link of your preferred website, such as ''. Paste it into the Helium input field. The webpage will automatically load up within the app, displaying the live contents.

Customization Options

The Helium app also provides some customization options for users. You can adjust the size, level of transparency, and window floating preference by clicking on the Preferences button. Here you'll find a range of customizable settings that will allow you to configure the app's behavior to suit your specific needs.

Additionally, you can keep track of opened pages through the 'history' tab. From here, you can return to previously visited sites without any additional setup.

Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the most convenient aspects of using Helium is that it comes with keyboard shortcuts, making it even easier to manage browser windows. Here are a few shortcuts you can use with Helium:

  • Command + 1: Open the Helium app.
  • Command + 2: Close the Helium app.
  • Command + E: Edit the current URL.
  • Command + R: Refresh the webpage within Helium.
  • Command + W: Matronize or Unmatronize the created window.
  • Command + Left arrow key: Shrink the window.
  • Command + Right arrow key: Expand the window.

Usage Examples

There are many scenarios where using Helium may prove helpful. Here are some of the ways you might use it, for example:

  • When watching videos that don't have an official desktop app to play them.
  • While taking notes from a web-based article.
  • Utilizing minimized video calls without disrupting your productivity workflow.


In summary, using the Helium app on your Mac can be an excellent way to maximize your productivity. The app is user-friendly, customizable, and provides keyboard shortcuts to make managing web browser windows simpler. If you find yourself frequently switching windows, give Helium a try and see how it enhances your browsing experience!

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of using Helium on your Mac. Please reach out to us in the comments section if you have any questions or suggestions about using Helium. Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask About How To Use Helium App Mac

What is Helium App?

Helium App is a floating browser window for Mac. It allows you to keep your browser window always on top of all other windows and applications on your Mac.

How do I install Helium App on my Mac?

  1. Go to the Helium App website
  2. Download the latest version of the app
  3. Double-click the downloaded file to open it
  4. Drag the Helium App icon to your Applications folder
  5. Open the app from your Applications folder

How do I use Helium App on Mac?

To use Helium App on Mac:

  1. Open the app from your Applications folder
  2. Enter the URL of the webpage that you want to open in Helium App
  3. Click on the Go button
  4. The webpage will open in a floating browser window
  5. You can adjust the size and position of the window by dragging the edges or corners of the window

Can I resize the window in Helium App?

Yes, you can resize the window in Helium App by dragging the edges or corners of the window.

Can I adjust the opacity of the window in Helium App?

Yes, you can adjust the opacity of the window in Helium App by clicking on the Settings icon in the top right corner of the window and selecting Opacity.

Can I set Helium App as my default browser?

No, you cannot set Helium App as your default browser on Mac. It is designed to be used as a floating browser window alongside your regular web browser.