Remove Your City from Weather App on Android: Easy Steps to Delete and Streamline Your Forecast Display


Have you ever wished that you could simply delete a city from your weather app on Android? Well, you’re not alone! Many users find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cities that come pre-loaded on their weather apps. Not to mention, it can be frustrating to constantly have to sift through irrelevant locations just to find the forecast for your hometown. But fear not – there is a solution!

Before we dive into how to delete a city from your weather app, let’s take a look at some statistics. Did you know that the average weather app comes with over 1,000 cities pre-loaded? That’s a lot of scrolling! And even more alarming – studies show that users only interact with about 10% of those cities. So why are we being forced to deal with the other 90%?

Some might argue that having access to all those extra cities could come in handy if you’re planning a vacation or traveling to a new location. But let’s be real – do we really need to wade through hundreds of names just to find out what the temperature will be like in Bali next month? Of course not.

So, how do we go about deleting these unwanted cities once and for all? Fortunately, it’s a lot simpler than you might think. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Open your weather app on your Android device.

2. Navigate to the “locations” or “cities” tab.

3. Press and hold down on the name of the city you want to delete.

4. A menu should pop up, allowing you to either remove or delete the selected city.

5. Hit “remove” or “delete” (depending on your app) – and voila! You’ve successfully removed that pesky city from your weather app.

Now that you know the simple trick to deleting cities from your weather app, you’re probably wondering why nobody has told you before. Unfortunately, many weather apps hide this feature in plain sight – leaving users to struggle with unwanted cities for far too long.

But now that you’ve found the solution – it’s time to start utilizing it! Imagine how much simpler and more user-friendly your weather app will be once you’ve only got the cities that matter at your fingertips. No more scrolling through pages of irrelevant names – just quick and easy access to the information you need.

In conclusion, taking a few seconds to remove unwanted cities from your weather app can save you a lot of hassle and frustration in the long run. So next time you find yourself struggling with endless lists of irrelevant cities, remember – you have the power to take control. It’s time to simplify your weather app and start enjoying the ultimate user experience.

Weather apps have become an essential part of our lives in today’s world. Checking the weather forecast has become a daily routine to plan our day accordingly. With the increasing number of cities and locations added to weather apps, sometimes it becomes overwhelming and may lead to unnecessary clutter. Therefore, if you want to delete an unwanted city from your weather app on Android, then you’re in the right place.

Step-by-Step Guide for Deletion

Deleting a city from your weather app is quite a simple process. Let's go through the steps right away.

Step One

Firstly, find the weather app on your Android device and open it.

Step Two

Once you’ve opened the app, you'll easily see the list of cities that appear on your screen.

Step Three

Next, you have to swipe either left or right on your Android screen until you find the city you want to delete.

Step Four

After selecting the city, long-press on the city name, and you’ll notice a pop-up menu appearing above.

Step Five

Choose “Remove” or “Delete” on this pop-up menu.

Step Six

Now simply confirm the deletion by pressing the “Yes” button.

Alternative Method for Deletion

If you can't find the remove or delete option and can't figure out how to delete a city from your weather app, then there is an alternative method to remove excessive cities. All you have to do is tap on the magnifying glass icon - which appears on the top right or the search function. Once you reach the search screen, type in the city's name, and ensure that an “X” appears next to its name. Tap on that “X” to delete the city from your weather app.

Efficient Tips to Organize Your Weather App

Apart from just deleting a city, here are some additional tips that might help you organize and declutter your weather app.

Tip One: Remove Duplicate Cities

Sometimes it can happen that you accidentally add a city twice or maybe a different version of the city - like Paris, France and Paris. Ensure that cities aren't on your list multiple times to save yourself from confusion and clutter.

Tip Two: Create Specific Groups

Creating or grouping your cities according to their location, such as dividing them regionally (e.g., Europe, Asia, America, etc.), can make it easier to find the city you need instantly.

Tip Three: Delete Unnecessary Cities

Deleting the cities which you rarely visit or check can significantly declutter your weather app, saving you time and effort while scrolling through your list.

Tip Four: Update Your Weather App

Regularly updating your weather app can help you get rid of any bugs or glitches and keep your app optimized. You may also find new features in updated versions that can assist your app and overall experience.


Thus, removing unwanted cities from your weather app is a fairly straightforward process. The organized and decluttered weather app will help you get the information you want quickly and easily without any fuss. Following the steps mentioned above or utilizing the alternative method, you can now remove your unneeded cities from your Android for good and keep your app tidy.

Delete City From Weather App Android - Comparison Blog Article


Weather apps are a necessary part of our daily lives. They help us prepare for the day ahead, plan travels and protect ourselves from extreme weather conditions. While there are numerous weather apps available in the market, not all of them allow the user to delete cities from their list. In this blog post, we will compare some popular weather apps on Android and explore how they differ in terms of their ability to delete cities.

Criteria for Comparison

To conduct a fair comparison, we have selected four popular weather apps on Android - AccuWeather, Weather Underground, The Weather Channel, and Yahoo Weather. We will be comparing these apps on the following criteria:
  • The process of deleting a city
  • The ease of use of the app
  • The design and layout of the app
  • The accuracy of weather forecasts

The Process of Deleting a City

Deleting a city is an essential feature of any weather app. This allows users to customize their weather information and focus on the locations that matter to them. Let's take a look at how these apps measure up when it comes to deleting cities.


To delete a city from AccuWeather, tap on the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen, go to Manage Locations, and swipe left on the city you want to delete.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground allows you to delete a city by tapping on the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen, selecting Edit and then tapping the X button next to the city you want to delete.

The Weather Channel

Deleting a city in The Weather Channel is similar to deleting a city in AccuWeather. Tap on the three-dot menu, go to Locations, and swipe left on the city you want to delete.

Yahoo Weather

To delete a city from Yahoo Weather, go to the cities list and tap on the three-dot menu next to the city you want to delete. Select Delete from the list of options.


Overall, all the apps we reviewed have relatively simple processes for deleting cities. However, The Weather Channel and AccuWeather require fewer steps than Weather Underground and Yahoo Weather.

The Ease of Use of the App

The ease of use of an app is essential as it affects how users interact with the app. The layout and design of the app are also crucial factors that impact the user experience.


AccuWeather has a clean interface that displays all the necessary information at a glance. The app uses bold graphics to highlight critical weather information. However, the abundance of ads in the app can make it feel cluttered.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground's interface is designed to be very intuitive and user-friendly. The app's visuals are also one of the most unique among the apps we've reviewed. However, some users might find the app's many features overwhelming.

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel's interface emphasizes both form and function. Information is displayed in an easy-to-read format, and the app is very responsive. However, like AccuWeather, it's bogged down by ads.

Yahoo Weather

Yahoo Weather features beautiful imagery that changes throughout the day, it also displays detailed information at a glance. However, the app's design can be a bit too modern for some users, with small fonts that might be challenging to read.


Weather Underground and The Weather Channel offer the most user-friendly apps, but Yahoo weather's beautiful imagery stands out. AccuWeather's abundance of ads detracts from its otherwise clean interface.

Design and Layout of the App

The design and layout of an app affect how users interact with the information presented. A well-designed app should provide users with a pleasant and intuitive experience.


AccuWeather features straightforward presentation of information, making it easy for users to get what they are looking for. Still, it has a limited amount of customization available.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground features a visually engaging and easy-to-navigate design. The app allows for ample customization and provides a user-centric experience.

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel has a sleek design that stands out from the rest. The app works well, providing users with a plethora of customization options.

Yahoo Weather

Yahoo Weather's design is one of the most modern and forward-thinking among the apps we've reviewed, featuring beautiful daily images and a gesture-based interface. However, this innovative design can sometimes detract from the overall usability of the app.


While all four apps have attractive designs, Weather Underground stands out with its modern design and intuitive interface. Although Yahoo Weather's innovative approach to design and graphics is noteworthy, it may not appeal to all users.

The Accuracy of Weather Forecasts

Ultimately, the accuracy of a weather app's forecast is what sets it apart. An app that delivers accurate and up-to-date weather information is what matters most to users.


AccuWeather is known for its hyper-local, minute-by-minute weather updates. Its reputation on this front is well-earned, consistently delivering up-to-date and accurate forecasts.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground boasts an extensive network of personal weather stations that allow for highly localized and accurate forecasts for specific locations. The app is one of the most reliable among the apps we've reviewed.

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel provides comprehensive information on wind speed, humidity, temperature, and more. It's known for its radar animation and severe weather alerts, ensuring that users are always informed and prepared.

Yahoo Weather

Yahoo Weather offers up-to-date weather information in real-time, alongside beautiful imagery of the relevant city. Although it may not be as robust in terms of information as some of the other options, it still delivers reliable and accurate forecasts.


All four apps we reviewed provide reliable and accurate weather forecasts. However, AccuWeather and Weather Underground consistently outperform the competition on this front.


In conclusion, when it comes to deleting cities, both AccuWeather and The Weather Channel require fewer steps compared to Weather Underground and Yahoo Weather. When it comes to design and layout, Weather Underground stands out with its visually engaging and easy-to-navigate interface. On accuracy of weather forecasting, all four apps are reliable, but AccuWeather and Weather Underground are the most dependable. Ultimately, which app a user chooses will depend on their individual needs and preferences, but Weather Underground is worth a closer look for its emphasis on customization and ease-of-use.

Tutorial: Deleting a City from Weather App on Android


The weather app on your Android device can be a reliable source of information for your travel plans or daily activities. It lets you see the current and forecasted weather conditions in different locations with just a few taps. However, sometimes you may want to delete a city from the weather app to declutter or adjust your preferred locations. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to delete a city from your weather app on Android.

Step 1: Open the Weather App

First, navigate to the weather app icon on your Android home screen or app drawer. Tap on it to open the app.

Step 2: Access the Location List

Once you are in the weather app, look for the location list, which is usually on the top or bottom of the screen, depending on the app version. This list contains all the cities or places that you have added to your weather app.

Step 3: Choose the City to Delete

Now, locate the city that you want to remove from the weather app. You can scroll through the list, use the search bar, or add the city to your favorites to make it easier to find.

Step 4: Press and Hold the City

To delete the selected city from the weather app, press and hold the city's name or location for a few seconds. A pop-up menu will appear with different options.

Step 5: Select Remove or Delete

From the pop-up menu, select the Remove or Delete option, depending on the app version. Some apps may use a different wording, such as Trash or a bin icon.

Step 6: Confirm the Deletion

The weather app will ask for confirmation before deleting the selected city. Read the message carefully and select OK or Confirm to proceed with the deletion.

Step 7: Check the Location List

After confirming the deletion, check the location list to make sure that the city has been removed from the weather app. If it still appears on the list, repeat the steps above or restart the app to refresh the changes.

Step 8: Repeat for Other Cities (Optional)

If you want to delete other cities from the weather app, repeat the process for each location until you have streamlined your location list. You can also add new locations or rearrange the order of the cities by dragging and dropping them.

Step 9: Customize Your Weather App (Optional)

Now that you have deleted some cities from your weather app, you can customize it further by changing the units of measurement, adding widgets, or enabling notifications. Explore the options and settings to make the app suit your preferences and needs.

Step 10: Enjoy the Improved Weather App

Congratulations! You have learned how to delete a city from your weather app on Android. By doing so, you have decluttered and optimized your location list, allowing you to focus on the most important places for your weather updates. Enjoy the improved weather app experience and stay informed about the weather conditions in your area and beyond!

Delete City From Weather App Android

Having a weather app on your Android device is a great way to stay informed about weather updates. However, sometimes we add too many cities in our weather app, and it becomes difficult to manage. In such situations, we need to declutter and delete some cities from the app. If you're looking for a guide to do the same, keep reading!

Before we jump into the process of deleting cities from your weather app, let's take a moment to understand why removing a city is important. Firstly, if you have too many cities, you'll waste a lot of time scrolling through them to find the ones you want to check. Secondly, having more than necessary cities would lead to higher data usage and battery consumption. Lastly, deleting the unused locations will make sure that you only get alerts and notifications for places that actually matter.

Let's move on to how to delete a city from your weather app on Android. Firstly, open your weather app and click on the three-line menu icon (also known as a hamburger menu) at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down list, choose 'Locations' or 'Manage Locations.'

If you're using Google's default Weather app, tapping the menu icon will open your already saved cities at the bottom. To delete, simply swipe left on the ones you want to remove, and a trash can icon will appear. Tap on the said icon to delete the city.

However, if you're using another weather app, you might need to click on the three-dots icon located at the top-right corner of the screen, and then select 'Edit' or 'Delete' option. This will enable you to select the cities you want to remove individually.

Another easy way to delete a city is by using a long-press and holding down the city you want to delete. A menu will appear that will allow you to remove or delete the city instantly.

If you have trouble finding a delete option, it's possible that your weather app doesn't support deleting cities. In such cases, you'll have no other choice but to uninstall the app and install another one that allows this feature. Don't worry, as most weather apps allow you to add and delete cities easily.

To sum up, decluttering your weather app by removing unnecessary cities is an easy task, and it's something you should consider doing regularly to keep your app organized and efficient. Remember, having too many locations in the app can cause more harm than good, so take some time to remove what you don't need.

That's all for now. We hope this guide helped you in removing cities from your weather app on Android. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks!

Have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to share them with us in the comments section below.

People Also Ask About Delete City from Weather App Android

What is the reason for deleting a city from a weather app on Android?

There may be varied reasons why you want to delete a city from your weather app. Some possible explanations are you have moved away from that area, you no longer need to monitor the weather in that location, or you want to declutter your weather app by eliminating unnecessary cities.

How can I delete a city from my weather app on Android?

The process of deleting a city on your weather app varies depending on which app you are using. However, you can generally remove a city from your list by doing the following:

  1. Open your weather app on your Android phone.
  2. Find the location you would like to delete from the weather app.
  3. Tap and hold on the city name or location.
  4. Select Delete or “Remove” from the options that appear onscreen.
  5. The location will be removed from the list of cities on your weather app.

Can I undo the deletion of a city from my weather app on Android?

Most weather apps don't have an 'undo' option for deleting a city, but you can always add that city again following the same steps used before.

Will deleting a city from my weather app on Android delete it from all weather apps, including my tablet or computer?

No, deleting a city on your Android weather app will not impact other devices or platforms where you might use different weather apps.

Why aren't my deleted cities disappearing from my weather app on Android?

If you're experiencing issues with a city not being fully deleted from your weather app, you can try the following:

  • Restart your phone to refresh any settings or updates.
  • Check if there is an update available for the weather app.
  • Clear the cache and data for the weather app through the settings of your device to erase any remaining information related to that city in the app.

Do I have to pay to remove a city from my Android weather app?

No, you do not have to pay any fees to delete a city from your Android weather app. It's a free feature that comes as part of the app's design.