Streamline Your Path to Graduation with the Updated App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 - Your Comprehensive Guide!


Are you a student at Appalachian State University and feeling lost when it comes to completing your general education requirements? Look no further than the 2016 App State Gen Ed Checksheet.

With over 100 majors offered at App State, it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of all the different classes required for graduation. But fear not, the Gen Ed Checksheet breaks it down for you in an easy-to-understand format.

Did you know that completing your general education requirements not only helps you graduate, but also prepares you for success in your future career? According to a survey by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, employers value skills such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, which are all developed through general education courses.

The Gen Ed Checksheet not only lists out the required classes for each category, but also provides a suggested sequence for completing them. This can save you time and stress trying to figure out when to fit these classes into your schedule.

It's important to note that while some majors may have specific classes that fulfill certain general education requirements, every student at App State is required to complete a standard set of classes. This ensures that all graduates have a well-rounded education and are prepared for a variety of career paths.

But what if you've already taken some classes that aren't listed on the Checksheet? Don't worry, there is still hope for those credits to count towards your general education requirements. The Checksheet allows for flexibility in certain categories, giving you the opportunity to tailor your education to fit your interests and strengths.

One unique aspect of App State's general education program is its emphasis on experiential learning. This can include things like study abroad programs, internships, and service-learning projects. Not only do these experiences fulfill general education requirements, but they also give students hands-on experience in their fields of interest.

It's worth noting that App State's general education requirements have changed over the years, so it's important to use the most up-to-date Checksheet. The 2016 version is the current standard for students starting in or after the fall 2016 semester.

Are you still feeling overwhelmed by all of this information? Don't worry, there are resources available to help you navigate the world of general education requirements. The University College Advising Center offers one-on-one advising sessions to help students plan their schedules and ensure they're staying on track for graduation.

So, if you're a student at App State looking to conquer your general education requirements and prepare for success in your future career, look no further than the 2016 Gen Ed Checksheet. It's the solution you've been searching for!


As a student at Appalachian State University, you will be required to complete the General Education Program. The program is designed to help you develop critical thinking and communication skills while broadening your knowledge in various academic disciplines.

What is the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016?

The Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is a guide that outlines the requirements for the General Education Program at App State. It details the courses that you need to take and the areas of study that you need to fulfill to graduate from the university.

The Three Requirements of the General Education Program

The General Education Program has three requirements that all students must meet:

1. Foundational Studies

The Foundational Studies section covers basic skills and essential knowledge that are necessary for success in college-level courses. It includes courses in English composition, mathematics, U.S. history, and global diversity.

2. Approaches to Intellectual Inquiry

The Approaches to Intellectual Inquiry section encourages students to explore different fields of study and to think critically about complex issues. It includes courses in arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences.

3. Integrative Learning

The Integrative Learning section provides opportunities for students to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained through the General Education Program to real-world problems. These courses are often interdisciplinary and require students to work collaboratively with their peers.

Using the Gen Ed Checksheet 2016

The Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is divided into two sections: the Foundational Studies section and the Integrative Learning section. Each section is organized by course area and includes a list of approved courses for each area.

To use the checklist, you should start by filling out the information at the top of the page, including your name, major, and expected graduation date. Then, you should refer to the check boxes next to each course area to keep track of your progress. When you have completed a course in a particular area, you should check the box next to that area.

Advising and Resources

Academic advisors are available to help you navigate the General Education Program and ensure that you are on track to graduate. You can schedule an appointment with your advisor through your major department or through the Office of Advising and Academic Development.

The Office of General Education also provides resources for students, including workshops and informational sessions. You can visit their website to learn more about upcoming events and to access the Gen Ed Checksheet 2016.


Completing the General Education Program is an essential part of your academic journey at App State. The program is designed to help you develop critical thinking skills, broaden your knowledge, and prepare you for success in your chosen field of study. By using the Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 and seeking guidance from academic advisors and resources, you can ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements for graduation.

Comparison of App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016


General education requirements are an essential component of any undergraduate program. These requirements are designed to provide students with a broad range of knowledge and skills that will enable them to succeed in their future careers and contribute to society as informed citizens. In this article, we will compare the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 with other popular checklists and examine its strengths and weaknesses.

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016: Overview

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is divided into six categories that cover a wide range of subjects. These categories include Communication, Mathematics, Humanities/Fine Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Diversity. Within each category, students must complete specific courses that meet the designated criteria. To graduate, students must successfully complete a minimum of 44 credit hours of general education courses.

The Communication Category

The Communication category requires students to take two courses: English Composition and Communication/Oral Expression. This category ensures that students are proficient in both written and verbal communication skills.

The Mathematics Category

The Mathematics category requires students to take one course that focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. This requirement ensures that students can analyze and interpret data effectively, a critical skill in today's data-driven world.

The Humanities/Fine Arts Category

The Humanities/Fine Arts category is designed to expose students to a variety of disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and theatre. This requirement ensures that students have a well-rounded understanding of human culture and creative expression.

The Natural Sciences Category

The Natural Sciences category requires students to take two courses that explore the natural world, such as biology, chemistry, physics, or geology. This requirement ensures that students understand the fundamental principles of scientific inquiry and are prepared to engage with current scientific issues.

The Social Sciences Category

The Social Sciences category requires students to take two courses that examine social, political, economic, and cultural systems. This requirement ensures that students are informed citizens who can analyze and evaluate the complex issues that shape our world.

The Diversity Category

The Diversity category requires students to take one course that explores a diverse aspect of human experience, such as race, gender, sexuality, religion, or culture. This requirement ensures that students are aware of and sensitive to issues of diversity and inclusion in society.

Comparison with Other Checklists

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is similar in structure and content to many other general education checklists used by universities across the United States. However, there are some differences worth noting.

Focus on Diversity

One of the strengths of the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is its explicit focus on diversity. While many other checklists have a diversity requirement, it is often vague and not explicitly defined. By requiring a specific course that focuses on diversity, the App State checklist ensures that students receive a meaningful and comprehensive education on this critical topic.


Another strength of the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is its flexibility in allowing students to choose courses that meet the requirements. For example, the Natural Sciences category allows students to choose from a range of subjects, rather than requiring specific courses. This flexibility allows students to tailor their education to their interests and career goals.

Course Number Requirements

One potential weakness of the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is its requirement for a minimum number of courses in each category. For example, the Mathematics category only requires one course, which may not be sufficient for students who struggle with math or require a more in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts. Additionally, the requirement for a specific number of courses in each category may limit students' ability to explore other subjects outside their major.


Overall, the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is a comprehensive and well-designed checklist that ensures students receive a broad range of knowledge and skills. Its explicit focus on diversity and flexibility in course selection are significant strengths. However, some potential weaknesses, such as the minimum course number requirements, may limit students' ability to customize their education. In the end, it is up to each student to determine whether the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is the right fit for their academic goals and interests.

Understanding the 2016 App State Gen Ed Checksheet

Are you a student at Appalachian State University? If so, you might be familiar with the university's General Education (Gen Ed) requirements. The App State Gen Ed Checksheet is a useful tool that helps students keep track of their progress towards fulfilling these requirements. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the 2016 App State Gen Ed Checksheet.

What are the App State Gen Ed requirements?

Before we dive into the Checksheet itself, let's review the Gen Ed requirements at App State. All undergraduate students must complete 44 credit hours of general education courses, distributed across six categories: Foundations, Human Inquiry and the Past, Mathematical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Contemporary Global Issues.

What is the purpose of the App State Gen Ed Checksheet?

The Checksheet is designed to help students track their progress towards completing the Gen Ed requirements. By using the Checksheet, students can easily see how many credits they have earned in each category, how many they still need to complete, and which courses can satisfy each requirement.

How do I access the App State Gen Ed Checksheet?

The Checksheet is available on the university's website. To access it, simply go to the App State Gen Ed website and click on the Checksheet tab. You will be prompted to log in with your university credentials before being able to view the Checksheet.

How do I use the App State Gen Ed Checksheet?

Once you have accessed the Checksheet, you will notice that it is divided into six sections, one for each Gen Ed category. Each section lists the specific requirements for that category, along with the number of credits required and any additional notes or restrictions.To use the Checksheet, simply check off each requirement as you complete it. The Checksheet will automatically update to show your progress towards fulfilling the Gen Ed requirements.

How do I know which courses satisfy each requirement?

The Checksheet includes a list of courses that are approved to fulfill each requirement. To see this list, simply click on the name of the requirement in question. This will expand the section to show a list of approved courses, along with any additional notes or restrictions.


Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive. There may be other courses that can also fulfill a particular requirement. If you are unsure, it is always best to check with your academic advisor.

What if I have already completed some Gen Ed requirements before coming to App State?

If you have completed Gen Ed courses at another institution or as part of a dual enrollment program, you may be able to transfer these credits to App State. To do so, you will need to have an official transcript sent directly to the university's Transfer Services department for evaluation.


Keep in mind that the courses you took may not necessarily match up perfectly with App State's Gen Ed requirements. It is possible that some of your transferred credits may only partially fulfill a requirement, or may not fulfill a requirement at all.

What if I have questions about the Gen Ed requirements or the Checksheet?

If you have any questions about the Gen Ed requirements or the Checksheet, don't hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor or the university's General Education office. They will be more than happy to help you navigate the requirements and ensure that you are on track to graduate.


In summary, the App State Gen Ed Checksheet is a valuable tool for students who are working towards completing the university's general education requirements. By using the Checksheet, students can easily track their progress and ensure that they are fulfilling all of the necessary requirements. If you have questions or concerns about the Gen Ed requirements or the Checksheet, don't hesitate to seek guidance from your academic advisor or the General Education office.

App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016: The Ultimate Guide for Students

If you are a student at Appalachian State University, you must be aware of the General Education (Gen Ed) program that requires you to complete 44 credit hours in various fields such as English, math, science, social studies, and humanities. The program is designed to equip students with a broad-based academic foundation that prepares them for success in their careers and lives.

But keeping track of your Gen Ed requirements can be daunting, especially if you have to follow an outdated checklist or struggle to navigate the university's website. That's why we have created the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016, a comprehensive tool that simplifies the process and ensures that you meet all the necessary criteria for graduation.

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is divided into four sections: Foundations, Approaches, Connections, and Experiences. Each section covers different areas of study and specifies which courses you need to take to fulfill your Gen Ed requirements. Moreover, the checksheet indicates which courses satisfy multiple criteria and which courses are a good fit for your major, interests, and goals.

For instance, in the Foundations section, you will find courses in English, math, and science that provide you with fundamental skills and knowledge. You may be required to take ENG 1000 and MATH 1075, for instance, but you can choose from different options for your science course based on your major or preferences, such as BIO 1000, CHM 1100, or GEO 1000.

In the Approaches section, you will encounter courses in social sciences, humanities, and fine arts that offer you different perspectives and insights. You may decide to take PSY 1000, PHI 2100, or ART 1000, depending on your preferences or requirements. Note that some courses may fulfill the Experiences category as well, so you can maximize their value and shorten your time of completion.

The Connections category allows you to explore interdisciplinary topics and connect different fields of study. You may be interested in taking IDS 2000, WGS 2000, or AST 2035, depending on your goals or curiosity. Remember that some courses in this section may count toward your major or minor, so it is worth checking with your academic advisor to avoid duplication or confusion.

Finally, the Experiences section lets you apply your knowledge and skills to real-world situations and challenges. You may have to complete a lab course in natural sciences, a diversity-related course, and a writing-intensive course, among others. Make sure you choose courses that match your strengths and interests and that offer you opportunities for reflection and growth.

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 also provides useful tips and guidelines on how to select courses, how to manage your time and workload, and how to seek assistance if you encounter any problems or questions. For instance, you can learn about the difference between on-campus and online courses, the importance of prerequisites and co-requisites, and the ways to balance your Gen Ed requirements with your major courses and extracurricular activities.

In addition, the checksheet lists relevant resources and contacts that can help you succeed in your academic journey. You can find links to the Academic Advising Center, the Writing Center, the Office of Disability Services, the Career Development Center, and many more offices and services that cater to your needs and interests. Don't hesitate to explore these resources and reach out to their staff if you need advice, support, or feedback.

We hope that the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 will simplify your life as a student and provide you with a clear roadmap toward graduation and beyond. We believe that a robust Gen Ed program enhances your critical thinking, communication, creativity, and global awareness, and prepares you for a diverse and complex world. By completing your Gen Ed requirements in a thoughtful and intentional way, you will lay the foundation for a fulfilling and successful career and life.

So don't wait any longer and download the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 now! Feel free to share it with your peers, advisors, and professors, and to submit your feedback or comments. We welcome your suggestions and ideas on how to improve our tool and make it more relevant and accessible to all students.

Thank you for visiting our blog and for your interest in the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016. We wish you all the best in your academic and personal pursuits, and we look forward to seeing you thrive at Appalachian State University!

People Also Ask About App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016

What is the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016?

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 is a document that outlines the general education requirements for students at Appalachian State University who were enrolled during the Fall 2016 semester or later.

What are the Gen Ed requirements at App State?

The Gen Ed requirements at App State include courses in six categories:

  1. Writing and Inquiry
  2. Oral Communication
  3. Quantitative Literacy
  4. Information Literacy
  5. Health and Wellness
  6. Cultural Understanding

Where can I find the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016?

The App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016 can be found on the university's website under the Office of the Registrar. It is also available through the university's DegreeWorks program, which allows students to track their academic progress and see which Gen Ed requirements they have fulfilled.

Do I need to follow the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016?

If you were enrolled at App State during the Fall 2016 semester or later, then yes, you need to follow the App State Gen Ed Checksheet 2016. However, if you were enrolled prior to Fall 2016, different Gen Ed requirements may apply to you.

Can I change my major and still fulfill the Gen Ed requirements?

Yes, as long as your new major is also at App State and you were enrolled during the Fall 2016 semester or later. However, it is important to meet with an academic advisor to ensure that you are still on track to fulfill all Gen Ed requirements.