The App Fairness Debate: Spotify's Horacio Gutierrez Takes a Stand


Do you ever feel like the rules of the app store are unfair? Are you tired of paying high fees just to have your app available to users? If so, you're not alone. Many developers have voiced their concerns about the lack of fairness in the app store system. That's why Horacio Gutierrez, Spotify's head of global affairs and chief legal officer, is bringing attention to the App Fairness movement.

For years, Apple and Google have been able to control what apps are allowed on their platforms. And while this may seem like a good thing at first glance, it also means that these companies can charge exorbitant fees for app developers to be listed. This cuts into profits for smaller developers, making it difficult for them to compete with larger companies.

In fact, over 60% of developers believe that Apple charges too much for their services. And when you consider that Apple takes a 30% cut of all in-app purchases, it's easy to see why so many people are up in arms about this issue.

But what can be done about it? For starters, the App Fairness movement is calling for more transparency from Apple and Google. This means that developers would have access to more information about how their apps are being featured on the platform, and more say in how they're listed.

Of course, this isn't going to happen overnight. It will take a concerted effort from developers and consumers alike to make real change happen. But with influential figures like Horacio Gutierrez behind the movement, there's hope for a fairer system in the future.

It's not just about the bottom line for developers, though. The App Fairness movement is also concerned about user privacy and security. When apps are forced to pay high fees just to be listed, some may be tempted to skimp on security measures to save money. This puts users at risk, and it's something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

So what can you do to help the cause? For starters, you can support the App Fairness movement by signing their petition or spreading the word on social media. You can also opt to use alternative app stores, such as F-Droid, that have a more open approach to listing apps.

At the end of the day, the App Fairness movement isn't just about making things better for developers - it's about creating a safer, more transparent app ecosystem for everyone. And with Horacio Gutierrez and other influential figures behind the cause, there's hope that this is a goal that we can all achieve together.

In conclusion, the issue of app fairness is one that affects everyone - from developers to consumers. By supporting the App Fairness movement, we can work towards a more equal, transparent app ecosystem for all. So join us in taking action today!

The App Fairness and Horacio Gutierrez’s Spotify Battle with Apple

Recently, Horacio Gutierrez – the Chief Legal Officer of Spotify – has launched a public war against Apple, stating that the tech giant is engaging in unfair business practices. Spotify alleges that Apple is operating a monopoly by favoring its own music streaming service, Apple Music, over competitors like Spotify.

The Background

In 2015, Apple launched its own music streaming service: Apple Music. Since then, Apple has been promoting its music offering heavily while “creating obstacles” for other streaming services like Spotify – according to Spotify's claim. There are two main issues here:

Firstly, in-app subscription fees. When users buy a Spotify subscription through the app store, Apple takes a 30% commission on all transactions. This means that if a user buys their subscription through the app store, Spotify only receives 70% of the subscription fee.

Spotify attempted to waive the fee by increasing the subscription price overall but was forced to backtrack on this decision when Apple removed it from the app store. This gives Apple an unfair advantage since they don’t have to pay such a commission to themselves.

The Other Issue:

The second obstacle is the prevention of Spotify from communicating with its users inside the app – or any other external method. Apple bars apps from containing links to external e-commerce sites, meaning Spotify cannot place links to its website or other promotions inside the iOS app. This creates a barrier between Spotify and its users, as they are prevented from sharing links to promote special offers or anything else.

Apple insists these rules are in place to ensure customers are protected. However, it seems an unfair practice because Apple does not apply them to its own services as stringently.

The Analysis:

The App Store is like a package deal that comes with Apple’s devices. All the apps available there are heavily filtered – meaning that an app must get Apple's approval before it can be available in the store. As Apple has rejected Spotify in the past, it makes it harder for Spotify to acquire new customers as they are left out of one of the main channels to advertise their service. It puts them at a significant disadvantage in the marketplace.

Apple claims that the App Store is not a monopoly since there are other ways for apps to be installed. However, those “other ways” are indeed obstacles to Spotify, as their users need to search external sites, download software from their computers, etc. But if a user can easily find an app on the App Store, it doesn't make sense to look for an alternative method elsewhere.

Horacio Gutierrez Response:

Gutierrez says that he fully acknowledges Apple’s right to generate profits from its own business, but what he is protesting against is the abuse of power in setting up barriers to competition. He also noted that while Apple is taking a 30% revenue cut from third-party apps, its commission for services offered by the company is only 15%.

In response to Spotify’s accusations, Apple's CEO Tim Cook has dismissed Horacio Gutierrez’s claims as ridiculous, saying that Apple has helped promote Spotify offering exposure to millions of users in the Apple ecosystem – despite being a fierce competitor. Cook also emphasizes that Apple is proud to have created a platform for over 1.5 million jobs in the country.

The Verdict:

The European Commission announced an investigation in June 2020 after Spotify lodged a complaint that the iStore was anti-competitive. Several months later, the EC finally filed a “Statement of Objections” – the next step in the process – formally accusing Apple of operating an illegal monopoly. As the case remains ongoing, it’s difficult to say what will happen next.

The Takeaway:

There is a growing pushback on Apple's rules and fees on technology companies, not just from Spotify but other giants like Microsoft and Epic Games. They have all protested different Apple policies, with Microsoft asking the company to make fair fees for Windows on ARM PCs while Epic Games has engaged in a legal battle against Apple over its App Store terms.

Despite these investigations and legal challenges, Apple continues to dominate the app store industry with a lucrative model that few challengers can compete with. However, this needs to be addressed as it prevents competitors from offering a better deal for consumers.

Let's wait and watch for the outcome of the European Commission’s investigation and how Apple changes its policies moving forward.

The App Fairness: A Comparison Between Spotify and Horacio Gutierrez


As the world becomes more digitalized, it is crucial to consider how app stores and app developers interact with each other. One of the most contentious issues in this relationship is the app store’s fees. Companies like Apple and Google charge a 30% fee for all purchases made through their app stores. However, recently, companies like Spotify and Epic Games have protested against these fees. In this article, we will compare the actions taken by Spotify and Horacio Gutierrez on app fairness.

The App Store Commission Debate

The app store’s commission charges have been a leading topic in the tech industry for a while now. In 2019, Spotify filed a complaint against Apple, accusing them of anticompetitive behavior. According to Spotify, Apple’s fees made it difficult to compete fairly in the market. However, Apple disagreed and argued that these fees were necessary for maintaining the app store’s infrastructure.Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft’s Senior Vice President, and general counsel, also share a similar view as Apple. He believes that technology platforms need to ensure they earn revenue to maintain their infrastructure and innovate. In his opinion, reducing or eliminating app store fees might result in decreased investment in enhancing the platform.

The Impacts

The impact of app store fees on app developers and businesses has sparked a lot of debates. Spotify claimed that its fees were too high and affected its ability to compete fairly in the market. On the other hand, Apple argued that their fees were necessary for maintaining the app store’s infrastructure and quality control.While some believe that the app store’s commissions have led to monopoly and anti-competitive behaviors, others such as Horacio Gutierrez believe that reducing or eliminating the fees could harm the technological ecosystem’s vitality and innovation.

Spotify’s Actions

In response to the commission charges, Spotify launched a global campaign called “Time to Play Fair.” The campaign aimed to raise awareness among consumers about the app store’s unfair policies towards app developers. In 2020, Spotify also filed a complaint with European Commission against Apple for its alleged monopoly in app store rules and demanded that they make changes to them.

Horacio Gutierrez’s Actions

As Microsoft's Chief Intellectual Property Officer, Horacio Gutierrez played a significant role in shaping the company's licensing, intellectual property, and competition practices. He has been involved in several disputes over intellectual property rights, including the fight against Google's YouTube regarding copyright infringement allegations. Gutierrez has also been at the forefront of lobbying for tighter regulation of the technology industry.

The App Store Commission Comparison

To better understand the differences between Spotify and Horacio Gutierrez’s view on the app store commission, I have prepared a table of comparison below:
Company Stance on App Store Fees Action Taken
Spotify Fees are too high and lead to anti-competitive market behavior Launched a campaign and filed a complaint with the European Commission
Horacio Gutierrez Fees are necessary for maintaining infrastructure and innovating Lobbying for tighter regulation of the technology industry


While both Spotify and Horacio Gutierrez aim to promote fairness within the app development industry, they differ significantly in their approach towards app store fees. For Spotify, these fees are too high and lead to damaging outcomes for app developers in the market. On the other hand, Horacio Gutierrez believes that these fees are crucial for maintaining innovation and infrastructure. With the growing recognition of digital ecosystems' importance, the way we regulate technology platforms will impact digital innovation significantly.

The App Fairness: Why Horacio Gutierrez Stands with Spotify

Spotify's CEO Daniel Ek recently spoke out against the Apple tax, which refers to the fees Apple charges on in-app purchases. This issue has been a point of contention for quite some time, and Horacio Gutierrez, the head of global affairs and chief legal officer at Spotify, is joining in on the fight. Gutierrez is speaking up on behalf of Spotify, as well as other companies that have been negatively impacted by Apple's policies.

What is the Apple Tax?

The Apple tax is the fee Apple charges on in-app purchases made through the App Store. Apple takes a 30% cut of all in-app purchases for digital goods like music subscriptions, ebooks, and mobile games. This means that if you buy an item within an app, the developer only gets 70% of the revenue, and Apple keeps 30%. This fee applies even if the item is sold at a cheaper price outside the App Store, such as on a website or via a physical store.

Why is Spotify Speaking out?

As one of the largest music streaming services in the world, Spotify must abide by Apple's policies to have its app listed in the App Store. Spotify has complained that the 30% fee Apple charges on in-app subscriptions makes it difficult for the company to compete with Apple Music and other competitors that are subject to no such fees. They claim that not only does this practice hurt their business, but it also harms consumers as prices for in-app purchases may be driven up as a result.

Horacio Gutierrez's Role in the Fight Against the Apple Tax

As Chief Legal Officer, Horacio Gutierrez is responsible for overseeing legal matters, government and regulatory affairs, and public policy at Spotify. Gutierrez has played an instrumental role in Spotify's campaign against the Apple tax. He has publicly criticized Apple for charging these fees, stating that This is not about Spotify. This is about the right of all consumers to make their own choices.

Here are some tips on how consumers can make their voices heard:

1. Write a Review: Leave a review on the App Store expressing your thoughts on Apple's 30% fee. Let others know how it's affecting you and why you think change is necessary.

2. Sign Petitions: Look for petitions circulating online urging Apple to reduce or eliminate the Apple tax. You can also create and share your own petition to get more people involved in the cause.

3. Use Competing Services: Consider using competing services that are not subject to the Apple tax. For example, if you're looking for a music streaming service, try using one that doesn't charge in-app subscription fees.

4. Contact Your Lawmakers: Reach out to your local lawmakers and express your concerns about the impact of the Apple tax on businesses and consumers.

What Happens Next?

As of now, the outcome of this battle remains uncertain. Apple has not shown any signs of backing down, and it remains to be seen whether the tech giant will make any changes to its policies regarding the Apple tax. However, with companies like Spotify and influential people like Horacio Gutierrez speaking out, there is hope that change can happen.

In Conclusion:

The Apple tax is a timely issue that affects many companies and consumers alike. Horacio Gutierrez has taken a clear stance on the issue, leading Spotify's campaign against these fees. There are many ways individuals can get involved in this fight for fairness, and with continued activism, change may be just around the corner.

The App Fairness: A Closer Look at Spotify's Horacio Gutierrez

As technology continues to shape the way we consume media, companies like Spotify have become household names. For years, they have provided us with endless entertainment, from music to podcasts and even audiobooks. But while these services have become an essential part of our daily lives, there are still concerns about the fairness of the system. Companies like Apple and Google often take a substantial cut from the revenue generated by these services, leading to ongoing debates about the future of app stores.

Recently, Horacio Gutierrez - the Chief Legal Officer and head of global affairs for Spotify - has been a vocal advocate for change within the industry. Beginning in 2019, he has led Spotify's legal teams in several high-profile disputes with Apple, particularly regarding the App Store's policies. Here, we'll explore what The App Fairness means, why it matters, and what Gutierrez and Spotify's battle with Apple is all about.

The App Fairness Explained

The App Fairness is a movement that aims to challenge the existing policies of major app stores like Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store. These stores act as gatekeepers, controlling what apps users can download and how they pay for them. And while they provide a valuable service, the App Fairness movement suggests that they have too much power and control over developers.

Typically, app stores charge developers a commission fee of around 30% on every purchase made through their platform. This includes subscription fees, in-app purchases, and even one-time payments. These fees can quickly add up, especially for smaller developers, resulting in significant financial losses.

To combat these unfair policies, The App Fairness movement calls for changes in the way app stores operate. They advocate for fairer commission rates, greater transparency, and more developer-friendly policies.

Why The App Fairness Matters

For many people, the App Fairness movement is about more than just corporate greed. It's about protecting the small businesses and independent developers that create the apps we love. With commission rates as high as 30%, it's challenging for smaller companies to compete with larger developers who can afford to lose more money. This makes it increasingly difficult for independent voices to be heard within the tech industry.

Moreover, when large companies monopolize the app stores, there's less diversity in the market. Consumers have fewer choices and are more likely to be exposed only to the larger, more established companies.

Gutierrez and Spotify's Battle with Apple

In March 2019, Gutierrez led Spotify in a dispute with Apple over the 30% commission fee charged on subscription fees processed through the App Store. In an open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Gutierrez accused the company of abusing its power and creating an unfair advantage for its own music-streaming service, Apple Music.

Spotify claims that Apple Music receives preferential treatment in the App Store, with features like Siri integration and promotional banners. Gutierrez argues that these features give Apple Music an unfair advantage over competing services like Spotify.

The dispute between Spotify and Apple is ongoing, with both sides arguing their case in court. However, Gutierrez's actions have spurred similar moves from other companies, including Epic Games and Tinder. Like Spotify, they have raised concerns about the policies of major app stores and the commission fees charged by Apple and Google.

What Could Change?

The future of the App Fairness movement remains unclear, with much depending on the outcome of ongoing legal battles. However, there are several potential changes that could occur if the movement gains traction.

First, we might see a decrease in commission fees charged by app stores. Apple and Google could introduce greater transparency into their policies and make it easier for developers to earn a fair wage.

Second, we might see more competition in the app market. If app stores become more developer-friendly, it could create space for smaller companies to thrive. This could result in a wider variety of apps being available to consumers.

Finally, we might see more independent voices being heard. If app stores become more open to smaller developers, it could create a more diverse market with more unique voices. Consumers would have more options and be exposed to more creative ideas.

Closing Thoughts

The App Fairness movement is an essential issue that impacts all users of the app store and technology in general. With giants like Horacio Gutierrez leading the charge for change, it's clear that many people feel passionately about creating a more equitable system. We can only hope that this movement will continue to gain steam, resulting in real change within the industry. And we thank you for reading and getting informed about this. Let us support the App Fairness movement to create a better and fairer app marketplace for everyone.

People Also Ask About The App Fairness Horacio Gutierrez Spotify

Who is Horacio Gutierrez?

Horacio Gutierrez is the Chief Legal Officer and Head of Global Affairs at Spotify, a music streaming platform that operates in more than 80 countries. He is responsible for overseeing Spotify's legal, regulatory, and public policy affairs.

What is the App Fairness Coalition?

The App Fairness Coalition is a group of companies that have come together to demand fair treatment from app store platforms such as Apple and Google. The coalition believes that these platforms have too much control over the distribution of apps and the revenue generated by them, which leads to anti-competitive behavior.

How is Spotify involved with the App Fairness Coalition?

Spotify is one of the founding members of the App Fairness Coalition. The company has been vocal in its criticism of Apple's App Store policies, specifically the Apple tax that requires app developers to pay a 30% commission to Apple on all in-app purchases. Spotify has argued that this commission makes it difficult for them to compete with Apple's own music service, Apple Music.

What is the impact of the App Store fees on app developers?

  1. The high commission fees charged by app stores make it difficult for small developers to compete with larger, more established companies.
  2. Developers must either pass on the costs to consumers or take a hit to their own profits, both of which can be damaging to their business.
  3. The lack of transparency around app store policies and practices makes it difficult for developers to plan effectively and make informed decisions about how to distribute their apps.

What are the potential solutions to the app store fee issue?

  • One solution is for app stores to reduce their commission fees, making it easier for developers to make a profit and more competitive in the market.
  • Another solution is for app stores to increase transparency around their policies and practices so that developers can make informed decisions.
  • The App Fairness Coalition is also advocating for government regulation of app stores to ensure that they are not engaging in anti-competitive behavior or abusing their power over app distribution.